Why Paypal dissapeared from payment method?

Thanks. but not sure this is the best time to get bitcoins…lol

why not?
You use them as soon as you buy them…

so no problem

I just sent 39,95 via PP to support, let´s see what is happenig. The former used kaa email is not accepting transfers anymore. Or someone knows another (inofficial) vhtv email adress?

You will just get your money frozen for no particular reason. Each our PayPal instruction in the past explicitly told to never send money again without requesting fresh new instructions. We don’t even process any PayPal nowadays anymore…

Nah, if you don´t accept the payment the money returns 1 month later.

/Edit: Following solution works for me:

I bought a 50€ Crypto Voucher at an online shop who accepts PayPal. Then i transfered this code directly to the VHTV wallet.
Yes that´s more than the 30 days costs, sadly VHTV wasn´t so culant to add a few days for the overpay.

Maybe this works with 3 Vouchers for 10,10,25€ (=45€) as well.

Does anyone know why verotel won’t accept my visa debit card? I’ve been using the same card since 2019

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thats the same problem nearly everybody has over here…

and since paypal will not work for this site the only remaining option is BTC

I am not even sure how bitcoin works. I heard its risky

Risky? Why?

Lol SBF comes to mind

I dont know whether BTC is risky but in each case its complicated. You have to download a special software, create a wallet, change your “real” money to Bitcoin, make the payment etc. This might be feasible for computer specialists who use BTC also for other transactions. But I am a normal citizen who pays with normal money. I’m not going to go to extraordinary lengths just for paying VHTV. If they dont offer other means of payment I will restrict myself to the free cams and maybe an occasional freebie.

A little over a year ago, BTC hit its all-time high of $68,000+. Since then, it’s lost 80% of its value. That seems like a pretty high risk factor.

You buy bitcoins for 100 euros today and if you want to use them to pay VHTV tomorrow, it’s suddenly only 20 euros… :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Uploading: EE734BFB-50EB-4541-ADE4-6FDC0624011A.png…
Warum nicht mit sofort? Ich hab es so gemacht ohne Probleme … .

That loss happened over a period of about 12 months. Currently, I think it’s on a slow rise, but it’s a very volatile market. I don’t follow it, at all.

What I’ve read about bitcoins so far doesn’t bother me either. Far too complicated. And I would ultimately only need it for VHTV. It’s really too much effort for me.

U call his answer for u to contact them a tip? That was worthless , u forgot to add to the thanks for the tip a " thx for nothing"