Whats your best 5 Horror movies you ever seen

Its horror sorry but its true.
And Texas Chain Saw Massacre is based on a true story.

Or Human Centipede… What kind of genre is that? Utter nonsense? :joy: :joy:

Hey its a Dutch movie series. what do you exspect. :rofl:
The only good Dutch horror movies are De Lift, Sl8 N8 and Amsterdamned

And New Kids Turbo :joy:

O please not those ass holes. and it not no definitely not a horror.

The movie is so bad you can call it horror :joy:

You should really watch Amsterdamned 1988 a real good movie.

You know about Saint Nicholas and Black Pete in the Netherlands right?
See the movie Sint 2010

I don’t watch horror films :crazy_face:

Thats cool man not everybody likes Horror movies. :hugs:


It wasn’t canceled so just wait for another season(s).

I hope so because it one of my favo. series. :+1:

Not bad. I didn’t enjoy 1st season much but the second quite a lot.

Wanna sci-fi, try The Expanse, I love it.

Seen it love it. I’m a movie and series nut so i know alot. :hugs:

I like the series War of the Worlds too.

1 - Alien (R Scott) and Aliens (J Cameron)
2 - The Thing
3 - Das Boot (1981)
4 - Rosemary’s Baby
5 - Phenomena (1985, with Jennifer Connely)

Das boot is not a Horror movie, more a war movie.
Phenomena nice one. :heart_eyes:

Well, it’s horrifying, and same principle as Alien …

So your saying that Alien isnt a horror movie? Then why is it classified as a sci fi and horror
Das boot in one of the best War movie ever made.

I guess you mean “French” one. In 2019 two War of the Worlds series started for some reason. The second is “BBC” and was only miniseries or canceled.

And totally off-topic - I just saw Uncharted trailer with Tom Holland (Spiderkid) as Nathan Drake. Looked interesting.