Whats your best 5 Horror movies you ever seen

“Dracula: Dead and loving it” from Mel Brooks is quite funny too :joy:

Or Return of the Living Dead Can i liked does movies. :rofl:

Thats the one with Leslie Nielsen right?

Yes that one. He is playing Dracula :joy:

Anybody saw the movie “Host” from 2020? It is said this is the most scary horror movie of all times right now…

Any volunteer to try? :joy: :innocent:

O please none of the horror from today are good. that movie is just like the movie [Rec] from spain

I just read it was rated by some people one of the scariest ever. I did not read anything about it…



Most of the Horror movies are remakes from older horror movies.

What about Poltergeist 1982 saw it for the umteeth time 3 days ago and the special effect still stand up

This is interesting:

Love that movie, remake not so much.

Remakes seldom are

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Admit I did not see that one…

Am I the only one thinking the “Quiet place” movies are just :s___ping: :s___ping:
Just one more Alien movie among many. And Horror? Nah. Come on :joy:

You ever seen pet sematary ?
the remake 10 times better then the one of 1989

Seen it. Yes. But the original

Watched 3 quarters got bored turned it off

Saw is not Horror. That is rather splatter and gore. Like Hostel and Texas Chain Saw Massacre.

I have all 7 movies but the first 1 is just the best of them.