Whats your best 5 Horror movies you ever seen

I was wondering whats your top 5 horror movies.
My are.
1 The Exorcist Director’s cut 1973
2 Halloween 1 1978
3 A nightmare on elmstreet 1 1984
4 The Entity 1982
5 friday the 13th 1 1980

Whats yours

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Mine was my first wedding video :rofl:

I imagine you would be the scared pretty girl :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Which suggests you have more than one. Some people will never learn, eh? :rofl:

She is a he. :rofl: :rofl:

Amityville horror 1979
A nightmare on Elm Street 1984
Scream 1996
Halloween 1978
Hellraiser. 1987

Hmmm I am not very much into Horror movies.
The one I saw and liked were:

  • Rosemaries baby
  • Ghost Ship
  • Blair Witch Project
  • End of Days (Not sure if that counts as horror)
  • Conjuring

Yea it does. good movie too. :+1:

Yes they are all horror films.

Have seen all the Conjuring movies?

  1. The Exorcist
    2.- The Shining
    3.- The Changeling
    4.- Rosemary`s Baby
    5.- Suspiria

Nope only first part. :wink:

That 1976 movie Carrie was also a bit scary but pretty predictable, you tease a woman during PMS at your own peril. :relieved:

I mostly like the ones that don’t take things seriously. Also, I can’t count.
The thing (1982 version)
Shaun of the dead
Ewoks: Caravan of courage (the most frightening movie ever made)

I like it but really Ewoks. :rofl: :rofl: How old were you.

if you’re a star wars fan you gotta watch it all. including the holiday special and the Ewoks movies. but that one, that one is pure hell. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Hello everybody. Here is my top 5 list of horror movies. 1) Butterfly effect with Ashton Kutcher (i know its considered a thriller, but there are some scary moments in it), 2) Dont breathe (1st part only), 3) legendary “Jaws”, 4) Blade 1998, 5) Friday the 13th.

I’m definitely Star Wars fan. i Have the comics too.

I used to have the comics. got rid of all the collectibles a while back. the fucking dusting man, just too much. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: you George Lucas!

If i really need money i wil sell the comics.