Video Archive

Hello Team,

I hope you are all well,

I wanted to know if you could shed some light as to why some footage is not being released in the archive anymore? With the most recent, Sadie’s house.

Look forward to hearing from you.

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I Noticed that also. ive been a subscriber for a good while now and the archives are not update half as much as it used to be


@VHTV_CEO Hello Mate, can you kindly help us with the above?

Hi, you must ask @VHTV_James

@VHTV_CEO Thanks for getting back to me… @VHTV_James can you kindly advise regarding the above, please?

We did not pay enough attention to the Archives for quite a long time, now we will try our best to improve it, starting from covering More scenes happening at live streams.

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More Men showers and Jerking off we hope. Then i will subscribe again.


Thank you for getting back to me, is it possible to release the footage that has not been updated?

We’ll take a look of there anything stuck in the queue. If this was saved, it will appear in the moments section. If not, sorry, we’ll do better next time.

Thank you, I do hope so, as it is a part of the Premium package to have access to the archive, if this is not being managed efficiently as mentioned above, then it is fair to say I shouldn’t be paying for a premium package as it shouldn’t be we’ll do better next time. @VHTV_James @VHTV_CEO


Is there anything stuck in the queue now? There are only a few videos from August 7th and 9th uploaded right now.

Archive searching There has for many years been comment about searching the archive and particularly the absence of participants being tagged. This in turn renders the filters quite ineffective at times. In response to comments it is often pointed out that the scale of the problem is such that there is insufficient human resource to tackle it. Can I suggest two potential short-term fixes.

  1. The ability to search within the text of the title/description. There are many archive items where the participants are named in the title/description but not tagged. This would allow subscribers to find recordings not currently tagged with participants. I can use Lexy and Pete as an example: If you filter participants to show those Lexy is tagged in there are about 600 results. This may seem a lot but they do not include the whole period they were in one of the apartments of their own. If you go to the archive for ‘Capo’ you will find that approximately pages 58 to 74 are all of Lexy and Pete’s apartment. They are not tagged as participants but the title/description does include their names. This omission represents over 1000 recordings which are not returned when using their name in the filters.
  2. To allow subscribers to add or suggest tags for a video. These to be selected from a list which includes all past/present participants as well as a separate tag for their original apartment name. These additions to be reviewed by VHTV for accuracy before being committed. This is a much less onerous task for VHTV

I would initially suggest two lists of pre-defined tags being available. One for every participant (and guest whom has been given a name). The second a list of all apartment names that have ever been used. This second list would not necessarily replace the one already attached to the recording but be added as well. This would allow searching by the name of that realm at the time those participants were in it and remove the reliance upon knowing what realm number was in use at the time. Those who regularly view the archive would benefit from adding the tags as finding their favourites becomes easier as those tags could then be filtered. This by no means resolves the overall problem with the archive but if those viewing the archive check the tags on the video they are viewing, it will reduce the number of untagged elements. I am not suggesting it is a subscriber’s job to do this but when someone does view a recording it would only take seconds to check the tags and add any appropriate ones. Longer term the increase in relevant tags would make it easier to migrate to an alternative archive. I realise there are those among you that would get rid of the archive thereby alleviating the associated concerns of past participants but that is a completely separate discussion which I believe already has a thread elsewhere in the forum. In the meantime, whilst there is an archive, can we work to improve the searching whilst we are using it. If you are still reading here, then thank you and my apologies for such a long (possibly boring) post.


We are experiencing yet unknown problems with saving queue, and it will be investigated until tomorrow. I’ll update you in this thread


I have to say; I get that problems do occur; I’ve subscribed with you just shy of 2 years; I’ve raised this issue via email to no resolution multiple times. You have been taking my monies for premium and not providing a complete service.

To openly declare in your previous correspondence, you’ve neglected the archive and advised you will try better next time while charging total premium cost is unsatisfactory, this has been going on for months! I feel cheated out of money.

This situation needs handling urgently; there was no update as per our conversation yesterday; I assume footage was not saved? Can you look at a pro-rata refund as tons of footage is missing?


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Yeah also hoped to find more from Sadies house in the archive :frowning: Beas fucking at 27 July was something also, sad if it wasnt saved

@VHTV_James @VHTV_CEO It has been two days, I’d like a response from the team regarding my post 2 days ago. Thank You!

Sorry for wait.

I get your frustration. I really do. Now I’d like to level with you and to see that our archives are being updated by community moments operators. This is done by hand, it requires a lot of attention, dedication and responsibility. This means that no coverage of 100% of the action is always possible. Thus some scenes are not saved, yet most of them are.

We always try to improve our service. Sometimes our resources are limited, sometimes we lack the focus on specifics and it may get out of hand.

If you are feeling cheated and/or you would like your funds to be refunded, you can always contact our Support available 24/7 for you. They will provide you with all details and how refund process would be done.

I’m very sorry if you feel unsatisfied with our service. Your feedback means a lot to us.

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@VHTV_James What does it take to become a moments operator? How much does the job pay and what are the benefits?

I fully appreciate your honesty, do you manage contact support? As stated earlier, I’ve raised this with the team and I have got no where, it feels like I am begging for resolutions when I’m paying £33 a month for a service that is hit or miss because it is not managed. I am fed up as I could’ve been paying the standard fee to view all cams.

I believe the support team advised this was a voluntary role, when I made a complaint about it historically.