Video Archive

I just want to add that it has been disappointing for me to see so few updates of the archive over the last few months. Particularly the category which I enjoy the most which is masturbation.

Also, I don’t know whether others would agree with me or not, but I have seen occassions where a participant will masturbate, but not naked, sometimes maybe even under the bed sheet/covers.

I just want to say that, as someone who really enjoys voyeuristic masturbation, it is still very very nice to see these kind of videos. In some ways it is even more authentic and voyeuristic than when a participant gets naked and “performs” for the camera.

So I would ask, if the people who choose what gets added to the archive do see this kind of a moment, there are some of us who it really appeals too, more so than some of the more explicit scenes with full nudity and sex.

Would be interesting to hear others opinions on this too.


Yes, but there are perks. For one the operators get access to a 48 hour timeline, two a free subscription (only for some though, imagine that?), and then being in the trust zone gets you special access to insider information. Is that worth all that work vhtv gets out of them in return? Well, I guess they have to decide that. There would be no way in hell I’d ever do that. Posting comments is the most work they’ll get out of me.

  • Ironically enough I’m probably the only person here who ever placed tenants on vhtv and I did it for nothing and if I recall correctly, vhtv didn’t even so much as thank me once. I do wonder just how much money my efforts earned them. :woman_shrugging:t2:

Lol! Just-in and Sparkles are now official vhtv worker :honeybee:’s. I have no words for just how fucking funny this is to me. Sparkles, hahahahaha. Hilarious! Hope nack quit!

gravity falls laughing GIF

@jabbath1987 You were saying? I haven’t seen you glanced in here since its birth to help me with the query at the beginning.

Its Been A Long Time Waiting GIF

Since the archive has been updated, has the team resigned or what?