Look at the refugees at the Polish-Belarusian border, all of them are from middle east and none of them from Russia or Belarus who wants to move to the west.
I think most people in Russia would like to move to the west
we say it’s good where we are not
so why there is no single russian among the refugees at the Polish-Belarusian border ?
Maybe they ain’t allowed to
daddy Putin does not allow
There may well be the odd russian tucked away in the refugees, who knows?
There is a whole Slavic diaspora hiding and Ukrainians and Belarusians and Russians top secret
Who needs us in the west?
About 3-5% of people in Russia are thinking to move abroad. But they don’t want to do something for that They just want, that’s all.
I wonder how many of those end up on Russian brides sites
This is one of the ways of immigration. Ukrainian Russian and Belarusian girls must be enjoying interest in these sites. But I think these statistics are the same for all countries.
There’s a reason why there’s basically no immigration from the west to russia but there is a lot of immigration from russia to the west.
Most of Russian immigrants moved to the west during the 90’s. The standard of living in Russia has improved since then. Here in Canada for example the top immigrant countries are Philipines and India. Russia is no longer on the list.
Ukrainian Russian and Belarusian girls are no longer looking for a husband to immigrate. Now most of foreign brides come from Philipines, Vietnam or poorer countries in latin America
there is a large diaspora of Ukrainians in Canada and I know that there were many programs to get to Canada for young families and professionals.
Most of ukrainian canadians moved over 100 years ago end of 19 century, early 20 century before soviet revolution and settled in the prairies. They call themselves ukrainians but they are actually 4th, 5th or 6 th generation. I see more asians and indians moving here than eastern europeans.
My relatives left for Canada under the program in 2014. And relatives with Jewish roots first stayed in Israel and then moved to Canada, and as far as I know Ukrainian in Canada, is the official language one of them?
but Belarus was part of russia
Part of the Soviet union(USSR) yes/no?