VHTV in Europe

Hey guys, I am new here, but every couple is from Russia or maybe Ukraine (I am not sure). Is there any chance, that VHTV will expand to the European countries? And if we have here someone who has been watching VHTV for a long time, was on VHTV a couple from Europe (Germany, Czechia, Slovakia etc…) At all?
Is it even possible to be in VHTV if someone is from EU? :slight_smile: This project has a really big potential !


There were realms in Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary. And now there are European realms.


Russia is also part of Europe

Wow, that’s cool :+1: It could be really interesting to see people from many different countries, from USA as well :grin:, but i suppose is the only matter of time, because I think VHTV is getting bigger and bigger and it’s no suprise, cuz this is really unique project :slight_smile:

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Hector and Marla are in Italy.

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there are Spanish speakers, Maddy and Rocco


I think there’s a lot of confusing regarding geography in this topic. Russia and Ukraine are located in Europe. South American Spanish speaking countries are not

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its more Northern Asia

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russia is boarded by kazakhstan and Mongolia and its Eastern Europe and Northern Asia but more so towards asia

Maybe the +7 apartments are N. Asia but +3 apartments are in europe.

+7 apartments are kazakhstan

Okay, to be super specific, I meant countries in the central Europe - my fault, Ukraine OK - that is totally in Europe, but Russia is so called transcontinental country and vast majority (over 70%) is in Asia. But I believe no one here needs lessons of geography :rofl:

haha fair point

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Yea ok but in the +7 apartments you see more asian people.

yeah asia is next door to kazakhstan

mongolia and china are only a few hours or so away

That answers my question in the other topic where Asian participants in appartments GMT+6 and GMT+7 come from. Michael said those are appartments are in Kazakhstan. That makes sense. Kazakhstan is half indigenous Asians and the other half of the population is white russian and they speak russian there too.

Spanish is not clear whether it is Latin American or European

Most of spanish speakers in those appartments look dark skinned south americans and also based on their time zone, most likely they are located in South America not Europe

Also it’s true that 70% of Russia is located in Asia, but most of the inhabited area is located in the European part and also most of the population of Russia ethnically are more europeans than Asians