Most of Russians are slavic, the same ethnicity as Poles , Czechs and Slovaks. The division between Russia and the rest of Europe is mostly political
The time zones are wrong now anyway as they are all based on GMT summertime which for Hector & Marla was +2 but now it is GMT winter time/normal it should read only +1.
All other zones should read 1 hr less now.
ie Italy now is GMT +1 as is most of Europe.
Russia does not switch clocks to winter time
It’s clear because of their GMT time. It’s also possible to see their football preferences
About Europe and VH, in the past there was also 2 realms located on west europe side with local people and one with non-local people
Winter time is really GMT = 0
Ukraine zone now is GMT +2 but they all show +3 on VH which is wrong now if related to UK/GMT time.
In fact as i said before they are all 1 hr out if related to GMT time.
They had to many parties these days … They usually update that info!
@kaya guess GMT info may need some attention on apartment list
does it affect the timeline when the time changes?
No, that info on list is static (supposedly all the cams do the update automatically when the hour change - like our equipments connected to internet)
The timeline hour in the bar is always the viewer local time
Russia is a European country
I’ve seen a lot of these kinds of questions lately. I think what everyone is asking is will VHTV expand to a country that isnt sad and economically disadvantaged? More exciting places
Actually Russia is no longer economically disadvantaged. The standard of living has improved a lot in Russia the last couple of decades and their purchasing power is even higher compared to many western eruopean countries. Most of Russians are no longer interested in immigrating to western countries.
yes it would be interesting to look at desi
so we’re not here about politics, but about time zones, and you mixed flies and cutlets again
There used to be one in the USA as well.
Lol im sure each of the participants would jump at the chance to move to the west. They still live on 300 a month in Russia. That’s poverty
Not really, most of Russia’s land mass is in Asia but most of the populated area’s are in Europe.
About 75% of the Russian population lives in the European continent. On the other hand, 75% of Russian territory is located in Asia.
Dear member, we’re not about politics here
We aren’t discussing politics just time zones.
Not everyone discusses time zones;)
But we are Well 90% of us are.