VHTV Does not want male gay/bi participants. Zero male gay action on the site issue

I wondered if it was Hudson actually, soon after I asked that question. Just hadn’t seen the other guy before, I don’t think.

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seems he likes somebody inside :slightly_smiling_face: and she really was; it wasn’t his first time belive me I saw the action from begining till the end or to the end which is correct?

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Very nice and good to hear, that VH already tried to have Bi/Gay Guys.

But if you have 30 Gay Apartments, and then you decide to place a Straight Couple in an apartment, you will have the same Result with this straights.

A young twinky Gay Apartment with size like Nude House, poor bedrooms, guests… with Parties, Sex, Hookups,… it will be a big difference to this actual gay guests, theyre just camming in their guest room during straight couples fuck in livingroom.

Send me some Hikvision stuff and i make the first one :joy:

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They actually succeeded, they didn’t just ‘try’. There are still guys who could be considered ‘bi’ on the site, even now. :slight_smile:

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even word ‘promotion’ is weak for me cause suggest something questionable, I think better word is to show to present, but I’m not native

Hai ragione.La cosa mi era sfuggita.Mi fa piacere che nei partecipanti
ci sia presente anche lei.
Credo che dovrebbero essercene anche altre.
Come avevo già detto una trans porta sicuramente un valore aggiunto
al format.

Charly was angry !

Oh I didn’t see the outcome of it but they both appeared to enjoy themselves but obviously, as you have suggested, Charly didn’t consider it enjoyable. Understandable really, if they were together at the time (I guess they must have been).

no not a girl it’s dora transexual

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yo no compro mas bembresia 30 dia para que no hay nada de nada

What kind of notification did I just get about this and why? ±nope-complete

I think Topic Starter Bernie isn’t completely happy with VHTV and this is his way to tell the world. :man_facepalming:

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What’s happening ? Can’t watch now.

The moment tagged is a guy jacking off while watching a girl get fucked on his phone. Not exactly sure how that meets the requirement of gay/bi action… Maybe because he’s jerkin the gherkin?? :thinking: :cucumber: :sweat_drops:

Got excited for nothing then :joy:

I’m assuming the person got mixed up and thought it was content that would likely appeal to gay/bi men watching.

I assume that must be the case as I saw nothing of note, in relation to the topic, in that link! I was quite looking forward to what might have been, as well. Oh well, never mind! :cry:

Hopefully we will get some new gay men action soon.

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I think he is handsome and its real voyeurism unlike some of the apartments. Its also probably as close as you will get to what you are after usually, but if is see something more exciting I will post it. :slight_smile:

Does anyone know anything of these two, they seem comfy in each others presence?

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