VHTV Does not want male gay/bi participants. Zero male gay action on the site issue

I think VHTV should make a statement about the lack of participants and promotion of gay actions in the site. As you can realise by checking this forum there is a considerable amount of gay/bi viewers, even though you do 0 promotion, that wants to see gay action on the site.


there use to be a gay part of the site but it got no views

Myagi was just getting his dick sucked by another guy under 24hrs ago during a threesome. Also Elon frequently engages in bi activities with other men. So im not sure how true this is


There used to be gay couples before but they left not sure but if I remember correctly at the time from CC lot’s of members didn’t like it or something not sure what happened but no more joined after that.


How much it lasted? 2 seconds?

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In 2020 there was gay action in Nikki’s apartment, her boyfriend Poppy was bisexual, or so it seemed


Wouldn’t it be better to offer people the choice? Just do not go to the apartments that show action that you don’t like. I think we probably all do that now anyway. The site can appeal to all heterosexual, bisexual, and homosexual viewers. Better for the overall viewership I would think.


Lol, his was clearly gay that was f___ed to fuck pussies :stuck_out_tongue:


Haha well I can’t control how long it lasts but it does happen as you saw :slight_smile:

Karolina also has a harem of gay guys that live with her, and who she bangs. Anita also has a gay guy who is always over there dancing.


He came across (sometimes) as bi but yes, I am sure you are right! I miss him actually as he seemed to liven things up, somewhat, in his apartment.

I am curious about your reference to Karolina. I watch her boyfriend (I am sure he must be her boyfriend), because I have a bit of a ‘thing’ for him :slight_smile: but who are the gay guys you were mentioning there?

Haha well you’re in luck because her boyfriend is bi :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: He was previously with a few guys when it was her and Karleon. And she brings other guys over occasionally who make out with her current boyfriend. But I havent seen her makout with another woman yet so it’s not a pansexual apartment

I have to respond to this post because the first part of the title is completely untrue, and I have to highlight the company’s position on this matter.
We would really like to have the whole spectrum of human sexuality in our project. Even we, quite a long time ago, set a multiplier for gay apartments. As a result, we have several exclusively gay apartments. But for some reason, very few of them were watched, and accordingly, even with an increased coefficient, they did not earn enough to continue for a long time.
Perhaps we did something wrong, attracted the wrong audience, we do not know. Perhaps we should single out the gay site as a separate project, we will soon be able to try it, but the point is that we are only in favor of gay people appearing in our projects. But users decide this with their own money.


Well, it’s good to hear from you and see you do respect the gays and people who want to see more male only content how come for the past year now the voyeur house archives have had NO male nudity or males masturbating both content was on there at least a few times a week for years before then nothing and clearly there is an audience for it i just don’t get it.


‘‘But for some reason, very few of them were watched’’
Yeah because you didn’t promote them anywhere…
‘‘Perhaps we should single out the gay site as a separate project, we will soon be able to try it’’
You said that 1,5 year ago… This says it all…

When you have 30 straight realms and 1 gay who do you expect to attract?


I was a subscriber for about 1 year but the lack of Gay apartments determined me not to subscribe anymore, the girls are beautiful but totally uninteresting for me …


We need to have proper reporting. Homosexuals cannot exceed 10-20% of the community, country, continent … under these conditions, compared to the number of subscribers, the share will be much lower than that of those looking for gay apartments, but this should not determine the audience compared to the straight apartments, which certainly have a lot more spectators …


Hunter was the best to watch


What I like is just when guys are naked, doing nothing in particular but cooking or sitting or lying naked. Sometimes they wear boxers and I think that’s a shame. I find that it does not represent a big effort on their part and it really brings a big plus.


Yes, this links back to the very idea I had when I created the post about casual (male) nudity. Would be so good to have more of it! :slight_smile: