VHTV Does not want male gay/bi participants. Zero male gay action on the site issue

I was thinking similar thoughts. :roll_eyes:

Maybe more gay content?

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Maybe no gay content ???

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This topic has already been discussed here,

more ,what do you mean ,most of the guys on VHTV are gay or bi there is plenty if you into guys pissing then you should be happy

yes you are right ,but VHTV got to try to pleas everyone so they have to have gay content ,it would not be fair

How many times does this subject come up, people should check before starting something that has been discussed plenty of times. Also something I thought of, lets be honest Russia (I am not sure about the other countries that the apartments are located) are not the most friendly LBBT countries around, in fact they discriminate against them. So maybe not too many are willing to put themselves out there. Just a thought.

See a lot of girl girl action, live and advertised, but NO Bi or guy guy entertainment???


Welcome to VHTV :joy:

why are there no gay couples in vht? you also have gay or bisxual members – just straight couples here – rarely some lesbians or bisexual girls – but no gay couples–

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just because you have a zero tolerance, doesnt mean everyone has your outlook.

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Sono etero anche se vedere sesso bsx maschile mi eccita.In ogni caso ritengo che la presenza di partecipanti trans renda le cose più interessanti, eccitanti e più complete.
Chi non è d’accordo è solo per ipocrisia.
A tutti piace ciò che va oltre la normalità.
E poi il trans porta quella meravigliosa situazione che fa fare un salto di qualità al format.
Baci a tutti

Have you seen Dora in ‘Nude House’? She is a transgender woman.

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What about this then eyh?

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I was sure, Henri is gay :rofl: :rofl:

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unfortunately gay or bi actions are extremely rare and we know why… in my country is the same situation

Aldon and Erlan…very beautiful while they were together, on camera.

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yes but shortly; they are interesting :slightly_smiling_face:

Who are they?

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Hudson and his bi? friend with a girlfriend (realm2)