You have some valid points on suggesting additional tagging of gender interaction, but that has never been obligatory to do so when creating archive moments. Kindly asking you to keep your pressure off community operators, they are kind enough to consider your suggestions and may pay attention in the future when saving new archive moments. If we see this works fine, we will evaluate the possibility of tagging previously saved archive moments too.
Finally, insulting others won’t do anybody good, that’s why your other post was reported as inappropriate and hidden (with ability of you to edit it and re-publish within given time frame). Keep the discussion civil.
I think you will find that homosexuals represent 2% of the community. That is 1 in 50 and there are not 50 VH apartments. As VH say, previous attempts to cater just fizzled out through lack of watchers.
I said the truth. I made a valid suggestion and what I got in return was a mocking comment. But don’t worry anymore, my subscription is ending and I’m not renewing it because I’ve noticed that there is a lot of misconception about bisexuals and homosexuals.
Official statistics only account for those willing to state their sexuality. And those in the developed world. At best the statistics are merely speculative.
I just saw a meme:
“80% of all women love men with a six-pack. 80 % of all men with a six-pack don’t like women”.
It sounds plausible, but it’s utter horse crap.
Point is, statistics are drawn from only a sample of society and the figures are a guesstimate based on the results of that sampling. it’s not impirical data. take the countries most of these apartments are in. if you were to ask men about their sexuality most would reply that they’re straight because it’s very difficult for people to be honest in a hostile environment. The truth would be very different. You can’t gather an accurate data set if most people aren’t being honest. Either with themselves, or with the agency collecting data. Even when the choice to remain anonymous is given, people mistrust the process and don’t tell the truth. Fear is a powerful master. And in that sense, it’s partly the reason why there are so few people willing to put themselves on camera engaging in a lifestyle that flies in the face of authority, be that religious, governmental, or peer authority.
Here in the UK, there is no problem with being gay or bisexual, plus the surveyees info remain confidential, so I don’t see why anyone would want to hide their sexual orientation or lie about it. I believe that number is highly accurate.
Then you’re being naïve. I know a guy who will tell you he’s straight. Straight as they come. has a wife and kids, but occasionally likes a blow job from another guy. by the parameters of data collection he should term himself bisexual. but he doesn’t, because he doesn’t think of himself that way. I’m a guy who has almost exclusively had sex with other men, I don’t term myself gay because to me, gay is something is defined by a particular lifestyle that I don’t lead. Both of us don’t fit the criteria of this data collection the guardian cite. and it’s the same all over the UK. how do you define homosexuality? Is it the act of sodomy? In that case all the straight men giving it to their wives up the s__tter are gay or bisexual but you can bet your bottom dollar that they’d assert that they’re straight. That’s why this sort of data set will always be incorrect and not representative of the truth. and also why terms such as gay and bisexual are antediluvian and utter nonsense. Sexuality is never a black and white issue.
What UK do you live in?? Of course there are still problems for gays and bisexuals in the UK, despite all the neoliberal BS you hear in the media. Homophobia may be less socially acceptable today (though not always!), but it doesn’t mean that it no longer exists - it’s just more hidden. I know plenty of gay and bisexual men here in the UK who have spent many years in denial or are afraid to be open about their sexuality - even when it comes to completing surveys. I’ve also met some men who are happy to label themselves as ‘queer’ because they think it’s trendy to do so, but in reality have never had any same-sex experiences whatsoever (nor do they actually want any). So as Albion rightly states, the ‘accuracy’ of these surveys remains extremely speculative.
What is the point you are trying to prove? Of course there are still problems for sexual minorities even here in the liberal western world, no one has denied that. The debate here was about why there are so little gay content on VHTV. Someone offered an explanation that it might be because the percentage of the audience who actually is interested in gay content is rather small. I don’t know if this is a good explanation or not, but it might be a part of the equation. @Bluewinner showed to some numbers from the Office for National Statistics, that’s not just a tabloid survey, but it’s probably some sientific study that’s involved, and a formula for scaling up estimates. But even if we don’t believe these numbers to be accurate, it still doesn’t change the argument that was used here. Let us say that there are huge dark numbers, only 50% of the people who could be considered to be gay were actually caught up by the study, it would still be a relatively small percentage of the general population.
Shouldn’t the percentage of the population that is interested in gay stuff be about the same as the percentage of the population interested in lesbian stuff? And there are plenty of lesbian apartments on VHTV.