VHTV and the Chamber of Chatters

Oh yes, rather obvious :roll_eyes: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

It means fish:

Greede (Gräten) fish bones

Diersche (Tierchen) little a____l.

So a little a____l with fish bones = Fish

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What about that one:

Schdifterabbler :joy:

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Eraser…? :joy:

Ahahah no… You have to think a lot about that one.

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Now an eraser in english means a rubber.
But obviously in your deviate minds that would mean something else entirely :laughing:

but something with pens…?

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Ok fish, it is solved. Well, could work for me actually. We have a Norwegian expression “en glad laks”, which literally mean “a glad/happy salmon”. Metaphorically it is used to describe a glad, carefree and happy person. I guess that works for me.

Ich bin ein GlĂźcklich Greedediersche :joy:

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So Schdifterabbler means “Showoff”

Schdifte (Stifte) means pencils

Rabbler (Rappler) means rattle.

Somebody who rattles with pencils in the pockets to prented there are coins (money)

Comes from when men wanted to make impression to girls many years ago they put hard pieces of pencils in their pockets to rattle with them to pretend to have money and are a suitable guy for a marriage.

So today in Hessian slang a Schdifterabbler is still referred to a “Showoff”.

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That works pretty well for me too. I am just saying luckily I am not on camera at this platform. You can all be very glad for that, I can asure you so much. :joy: :blush:

Ei ei net knoddere jetz. Isch gebs jo zu des war e bisje lumbisch :rofl: :rofl:

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the forum translater failed on that one but Google say’s it’s "Well, don’t mess around now. I admit it was a bit lumbish"


It means: Do not be grumpy now. I admit it was bit mean

Knoddere (motzen) means to be grumpy

Lumbisch means something like “mean or not fair”

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So, ik gah nu mal en paar naakt Deerns ankieken. Veel Spaaß noch… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :joy:

By the way @GladNGrumpy

Youre name in Hessian Slang: :joy::joy:


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Well that one is easy… :joy: :joy:

I go to watch at naked girls now. Have fun here


Thanks God that my German teacher liked flowers and coffee :joy: :joy: :joy:

Aha, sounds cool. Not too catchy, but it’s got rhythm. Perhaps I can contact support and have my name changed. What do you think, guys? :stuck_out_tongue:

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Maybe Jabbath should do this for you and write to support in Hessian. Let’s see if they can figure out what he wants… :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Well, I’m usure about that. Who knows where I’d end up then :rofl:

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