Verotel declining card

Try contacting them on here -

I also had problems about a year ago with this, as strange as it sounds depending on which browser you are using will also help with the payment process, I have an online banking app on my smart phone in which I am able to authorize a payment that my bank may flag up as fraud which is always verotel.

You can purchase BitCoin with your PayPal/card/etc, and pay with it - it’s absolutely anonymous :+1:


Yes but bitcoin is really too complicated for me. Installing an extra software etc., and everything only for vhtv - no thanks. Why are you opposed to paysafecard?

I think it’s an executive decision from high management (CEO) and Kaya herself does not know why. I guess they think the efforts doing it will cost more than the money they earn with it. Many businesses decisions are made this way.

I’m afraid there are many nuances for payment options on adult sites, and unfortunately, that’s not the kind of feature we can easily implement by user’s requests by ourselves. You are right, from the first glance BitCoin may seem complicated, but it has discounted price for that reason.

Also, we do not mention anything determining which kind of content you are viewing in bank statement

Well, maybe. Although I think they are wrong. There are probably many potential customers who would use such a simple and totally anonymous payment method. It works very well with chaturbate and there you could make a similar argument.

I implemented payment systems myself in the company I work for and the most big payment providers offer reference implementations to make the implementation easier. Still with testing, documentation and integration into the network (Firewalls and such things) a team of three devs took about two weeks to implement it.
Now see in the EU a typical developer day costs a company between 300-500€ (I don’t mean the salary with that but all the costs the company has)
So take three devs for 2 weeks and you have a cost of about 9000-15000€
Not sure if you will earn so much with the alternative payment method. I would say no.

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There are websites that even allow you to send the amount in cash by certified mail (and it works perfectly)

Another factor is that a payment system like Verotel is very easy to implement as it’s basically only an external link you call which notifies the site about a successful payment. Very easy to do.
If you want to implement different providers it might be more complicated and the VHTV website might not be prepared for that which will make it even more expensive to implement such a system.
And don’t forget you also have to maintain such a system and update it. Things you don’t have to do with the Verotel system as it’s only an URL you call and another URL Verotel calls after successful payment. Costs are extremely low for that.

That’s great if Verotel will work for you, Segpay was a great option on here but suddenly disappeared

I talked from the perspective of a site owner how to implement such a system. SegPay works the same way. All you need to do is place a link on the site. Personally I worked with the German SOFORT system, PayPal, GiroPay and PaySafeCard

If so many banks ban Verotel this company seems to be not very trustworthy. If you google you arrive at the same conclusion. One more reason not to give my credit card details to Verotel.
When Paypal was still an option I used it one or two times for a short term subscription. At chaturbate I use Paysafecard without any problems. There I can sometimes see couples from the vhtv appartments from an angle which is closed for me here because I don’t have a subscription.

Cannot re-subcsribe with the same issue. Verotel keeps declining my cards, which I used flawlessly before.
That’s it for me, then.

Seems that VHTV loses more and more customers through Verotel. They really need to find an alternative.

Bei mir geht’s auch nicht , bis vor paar Monaten ging es noch , echt komisch . Wie läuft dass mit Bitcoin ab muss man welche kaufen ? Kann dass jemand erklären

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Okay Falschmeldung bei mir geht’s

Yes, though it may seem complicated, in fact it’s pretty easy after you spend 10 minutes checking the options. I can’t recommend any specific exchange, so here is just a short guide from search =)

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Es hat mit der Kreditkarte letzendlich geklappt

RLC offers

  • Paypal/Credit card (via Segpay)
  • Creditcard via Verotel.

Chaturbate offers

  • Credit-/Debit Card (Visa/Mastercard/Discover)
  • Paysafecard
  • Sofort
  • Giropay
  • Epoch (Credit Card/Sofort/GiroPay/PaySafeCard/SafetyPay)
  • PayPal
  • Electronic transfer
  • Crypto currency

It cannot be so difficult to implement more payment options. I just don’t understand that VHTV refuses to do it.

I said it before. Most likely the cost of implementation will be higher than the benefit in subscriptions.