
Hopefully she won’t transfer her anger to little Micha now because she’s been told off.

She sure was. What She needs to learn is yelling doesn’t help. She needs to respond as a reasonable adult.

Yelling is one thing, kicking the dog away is another! :angry:

With all due respect to Trisha, I like her and I like seeing her. The dog has done s__t in the flat again. It can’t go on like this. You also have to teach it to be house-trained. :thinking:

So did I, but starting to loose respect for her. The dog has no other option! :worried:

Exactly! She totally ignores Micha.
Then she should have the size and say with the dog was a mistake. Like Dennis did with Kratos (Foo). And give Micha away.

Its not her dog. It should be returned in a few days if the information is correct!

The dog was originally going to stay for around a month if the initial information is correct. :revolving_hearts:

If that’s true, she’s probably making three signs of the cross. And thinks thank God it’s over :wink:

She probably also needs to practice cleaning. The apartment has just looked dirty for days

Yes. I agree with you in the first place. Nothing bad and wrong about Trisha. But she has more than enough with taking care of herself. :revolving_hearts: :wink:

She is dressed up in the same outfit as last visited by her new friend. Got a name?

Does anyone know the name of her new friend? I am not really sure what the name is to be honest. :hugs:

Name is Wolfy

Ok. That was the name Kade suggested in the first place if I remember correctly. :hugs:

Timestamp please? :wink:

Approx. 18:14 - 18:16. I have no video of this! She sat on the end of the couch when Misha tried to get her attention!

If you mean this scene, it’s hardly worth mentioning… :roll_eyes:

Isn’t the way to tell the dog not to bother her to use her leg!!

And some wonder why some dogs turn mean!