
Trisha clearly has no relationship with this dog. In this respect, she feels bothered by him when he constantly walks around her legs.
Trisha’s reaction was certainly not right, but it wasn’t so bad that there has to be a discussion here.

It was not my intention to start a big discussion. We both agree on the response I think! :hugs:

Trisha guest visiting again

Where is she guest visiting? :hugs:

Wolfy visiting Trisha gain

Ok. I get it. Thank you. :hugs:

Great sex last time

Short visit and sexy outfit off, just comfort food left! :smiling_face_with_tear:

Trisha sollte man den hund abnehmen sie vernachlässigt ihn total und behandelt ihn schlecht

the dog is not hers she is keeping it on behalf of a friend who of course I hope will soon come and get it…

Trisha’s place was offline for maintenance.

I was hoping, there would be a cleaning troupe coming in.

Unfortunately there was none.

I remember that there was a similar discussion about Henry’s appartment concerning status of cleaning and so on.

A user named whatsowhat or so always claimed Henry would have to clean up.

I still have my opinion of that time, it is up to her to manage her life and apartment, but to be honest combined with the dog-treatment I have lost interest in that realm, although I always liked Trisha, but
the consequence is I’m not here so often. I feel bad for Misha, but if I cannot change anything I don’t t_____e myself watching it.

Wolfy is considered her new friend, but I honestly have another perception, and when I mentioned that, it was deleted by staff.

Trisha had a change in behaviour lately and I guess noone knows what she does when she is away from the apartment. To my opinion everything started to go down when Damon appeared on the scene.

As long as Kano has his own “hideout” at Alida`s his more or less weekly housework
will not be done!

At least she gave Misha a bath. That was good to see ! :hugs:

Maybe he was beginning to smell worse than her apartment? :thinking:

I think he had pills in his butt-fur.

Maybe it’s the time he is going home and she was just cleaning him up.???

The apartment is surprisingly clean!!!