
I also hope that little Micha will come out of it. And into a family where he gets love and attention.

Nothing against Trisha, but she has enough on her plate to take care of herself.

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That was very intense Sex 2 hours long & then 2 Days Trisha in Bed…


this is n’t a house but a madhouse.(need trisha to learn how to clean the house and especially take the dog out since the house is full of dog pee and poop)… :disappointed_relieved:

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Mischa did it again… :dog: :joy: :joy: :joy:


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Mischa wants to draw attention to his s__tty situation

Pure boredom that the dog is exposed to. I really feel very sorry for Micha. When will the four weeks be over? When will this situation finally be over? :pensive:

At the moment the flat is in maintenance! This is probably also urgently necessary. And I mean not only technically :laughing:

Has the dog been feed at all, do anyone knows?

It is back online. Henry and Mira are there! (and Snoopy).

Annnd Trisha was yelling at Henry. Of course I have no idea what it’s about.

On a possive note, the fur babies are having fun playing together :rofl:

Trisha is angry and unhappy, unfortunately I can’t understand the language.

Not very steady in Russian, so I don`t know what the conversation was about either.

I think they gave her a lesson and did not take Misha with them!

I also believe that she would be reprimanded. The reactions might indicate that.

She is angry?? its just a pitty they left Misha with her! :rofl:

Yup Misha was having so much fun with Snoopy! I enjoyed watching them. So sad to see how much Misha is ignored. That poor fur baby needs to be played with and taken out for a walk a few times a day.

This have to stop she was kicking after the dog!! :angry: