
But they are the only ones who could change their situation.
All they do at the moment is eat, s___p, watch TV and have sex in the dark once a week. They hardly speak and when there are visitors, they go into the other room.

A totally useless life that they squander…

Yes, you are totally right, it’s only up to them.

Do to the current condition where they are, Someone is probably trying to keep out of public eyes.

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Its possible. But with that attitude, they will never get their own apartment again. The managers see that the two aren’t attracting viewers and unless they (at least try) to change that, their situation will not improve.

they would perfectly in the Party House

Maybe they don’t want a realm. It will bring unwanted eyes upon them. If you don’t get it just think for a minute what is happening in the world…

I think the party house would be too exciting for them both… :joy: :joy: :joy:

Well right now it’s under maintenance so they won’t be recognized there :joy::joy::joy:

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In principle you could of course be right. But my last knowledge is that the two wanted to have their own apartment.

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No fking way :joy: :joy: :joy:


I just come here for the articles, not to watch the realms… all that naughty stuff going on. :upside_down_face:

This aint funny anymore… :thinking:

Il devient urgent que Vhtv fasse intervenir une équipe médicale il me semble…Cela devient de leur responsabilité de laisser une fille dans cet état

Et les deux dans la chambre ne l’entendent ils pas… Pourquoi sont ils aussi passif???:angry:

Karina is with her…

Appelez lzs secours !!! BORDEL!!! Cela devient inhumain;;;;

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What are they waiting for to call an ambulance…?

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Même la première fois elle n’avait pas autant souffert…:sob:

She’s on d__gs.

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