
He must have an inflammation at the potato that is hurting him so much…

@VHTV_James Je me permets de vous interpeller pour vous signaler que Trisha a vraiment besoin de soins médicaux urgent…!!!

That’s better than spending countless hours out of everyday on the VHTV forum and/or watching VHTV with your dick in your hand how exactly?? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

there are karina and kevin who are not doing anything though ho maybe they are waiting for the ambulance to arrive…

:crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers: Même mon chien je ne le laisserai pas souffrir autant :sob:

seeing her like this is making me cry… :cry:

Hah you make the assumption that they even want their own apartment. Has it ever occurred to you that they don’t want to commit to the responsibility of having their own place again?

Maybe they don’t want to pay for an ambulance. I’m not sure about Russia but in some places they can be very expensive. :cry:

Ces images deviennent presque indécente qu’attends @VHTV_James pour couper le flux et faire intervenir des secours??? dans d’autres situations ils ont été plus réactif

I don’t think in Russia you have to pay to get an ambulance usually health care should be free…

Offline now.



Seth, honestly, do you realise how badly off the mark are you when comparing people that are working for 20+ years or being retired after working all them lifes with two early 20’s youngsters that are doing nothing for making a better future for themself?

Yes should but in some places it isn’t. It can be extremely expensive… :pensive:

good decision to take the apartment offline for now. hope she gets better soon

Si Vhtv est aussi prospère ils pourraient prendre en charge les soins de ceux qui leur rapporte de l’argent !!!

If you are spending countless hours in front of a computer on a porn site and not being payed for it you are wasting your life plan and simple. It doesn’t matter if you have been working 20+ years or are retired. There is no way you can argue that there isn’t more productive things you could be doing with your time.

Ambulance is free in Russia same as in Europe if it is called for an emergency

Ouf… espérons la retrouver en bonne santé même si cela doit prendre quelques jours… J’espére que nos commentaires auront servi à prendre de bonnes décisions de la part de vhtv… Ce n’est, malheureusement, la seule chose que nous puissions faire

In Deutschland ist das nicht der Fall. Allerdings besteht hier eine Kranken-Pflichtversicherung, die die Kosten für einen Rettungswagen und Notarzt übernimmt. So ein Einsatz kostet hier um die 500 Euro, wobei der Patient einen Eigenanteil von 10 Euro trotz Krankenversicherung tragen muss.