
She must have asked Faye for some advice which must have helped :laughing:

@Trisha_old_account juste un conseil prenez un peu de repos
 Vos dĂ©fense immunitaires semblent ĂȘtre au plus bas
 Normalement face a ce que vous avez le corps rĂ©agit spontanĂ©ment si il est en parfait santĂ©, Et surtout surtout
 par pitiĂ© suivez correctement votre traitement
 je n’aime pas du tout vous voir dans cet Ă©tat
 et si nĂ©cessaire je prĂ©fĂšre me priver de vous 1 ou 2 semaines et vous revoir en pleine santĂ© que de subir ces images
 Bien Ă  vous​:heart::heart::heart:

Its nice to see you back hope all is well with youm oxoxoxoxo

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As many already know I do have a medical background and even for myself I can “speculate” as to her condition. But what ever it is looks like she’s on “possibly” a 2nd course of medications. I think we all or many of us know there are times a 2nd course of medications may be required. Or they may have given her a broad spectrum medication to hopefully reduce the symptoms and or eliminate the problem while they were waiting for lab results to get a definitive diagnosis. Then use the d__g if choice for “that” specific condition that they may not have been 100% sure of. It may have turned out that the initial medication given to her didn’t resolve the issue. But I did notice that she went to where I had seen her put her purse earlier and get what appears to be a medication blister pack and pop out a pill and take it with water.

I have to say after seeing some of the remarks that I feel it’s highly unlikely (as in nonexistent) that she has an STD and considering those that she has had sexual contact with. Who they have had sexual contact with and continue to have unsafe sex. If she did we would be seeing a lot of people that are on VHTV taking medication and NOT having unsafe sex or NO sex at all. And lets face it folks those that she was hanging out with probably all knew what she was dealing with and that it was/is not contagious. Had it been an STD the guys wouldn’t have even come close to her!

I was starting to wonder if it was an hereditary condition?

Donc selon vos grandes compĂ©tences une mycose n’est pas contagieuse
 en ayant travaillĂ© dans l’armĂ©e ??? avez vous souvent traiter des mycoses vaginales???

I did not say what my thought was as to her actual condition.

Ops I hit the “enter” as per what I started to say
I could only speculate. I wasn’t going to do that. You Sir gave a diagnosis by my understanding.

Alors abstenez vous de porter des commentaires qui vous déshonore , Restez en juste à vous mettre en valeur en décrivant dans chacun de vos commentaires vos état de service , merci par avance

I Sir did NOT dishonor myself but by the sound of it I take it you have a solid medical back ground. And determined that is what she has. Did she tell you what her diagnosis is? If she did then you Sir have divulged privet medical confidential information. And unless you have a medical degree or a solid medial back ground I wouldn’t be calling someone with 26 years in the medial world that I have dishonored myself!

avez vous des images de ses lĂšvres quand elle Ă©tait chez Mira et Henry??? moi oui
 Et pas besoin d’avoir 50 ans d’expĂ©rience mĂ©dicale pour comprendre ce qu’est une mycose

Well good Sir I’m absolutely happy that you have a definitive “layman’s” diagnosis for her. You should absolutely set up sent up a medical office!

Ok I’m done with this, I leave the list word for you. Hope you have a great night

Bunch of idiots pretending to be doctors.

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Bonne nuit Ă  vous aussi et surtout bon rĂȘve de votre superbe vie,:joy::joy::joy: Parce qu’au final je n’ai retenu que ca et vos convictions sur les participants 

Un moment faut juste savoir se mettre en réserve et ne pas toujours vouloir se mettre en avant sinon postulez en tant que participants à vhtv si vous avez tant besoin de reconnaissance

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Yanos and Gregory are visiting.

Wow, i never expected to see so many gynecologist’s here on VH. I mean, I thought they would see enough pussy in their day jobs and not have to come here. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Ну , ĐŽĐ”ĐČушĐșĐ° ĐŒŃƒŃ‡Đ°Đ”Ń‚ŃŃ, Đ”Đč ĐœĐ” ŃĐŒĐ”ŃˆĐœĐŸâ€Š

These two are starting to scare me
 :ghost: :alien: :scream:

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In a way i feel sorry for them

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