
Does anyone have a fitting name for her yet? :hugs: :hugs:

Shana and Loki visiting Nice! :heart_eyes:

It’s great to see Shana again :heart_eyes: still looking beautiful as always :hugs:


Shana has definately changed her hair style slightly. Compared to the last time I saw her. That is all ok though. :hugs: :slight_smile:

Not really it’s just tidy there :laughing:

Shana has not performed any explicit untidiness in here for quite a while now, or what? :hugs: :joy:

Well she a good and loyal girl now :laughing: dunno how long it will last though :laughing:

I guess she would have to “work” for that first, and earn it:

Yes, that is what Jabbath always says. Perform something to earn to get a name. :hugs: :hugs:

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Exactly that

Wow, that means I really get it, huh? That is also because you have told me that a couple of times before, so that is why I know it. :hugs: :slight_smile:

It’s getting confusing now without understanding a word.

A feeling tells me that Trisha is possibly selling herself without being aware.

Kano was shaking his head a couple times lately.

This whole situation has become very confusing. It seems sinister and maybe illicit and/or illegal. The bald one comes in with a girl and two thuggish guys and eventually Trisha leaves to go somewhere while they stay. The bald one seems like he is in the middle of conducting a plan of some sort. Anyway, I’m a bit fearful for Trisha. But maybe I’m just reading too much into this whole thing and it’s completely harmless.

Возможно ты об этом не знаешь, но легко оставаться хорошими и верными партнёрами, когда у вас есть договорённости или, проще говоря, состоять в свингерских отношениях


И как некоторые из вас могли заметить, что у меня немного поменялась причёска, я недавно еще делала кудри и думаю, что многие меня с ними не видели


Это выглядит очень круто и мило. Мне также нравится топ :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:.

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Wish I could read these statements but translation seems to never work for Russian which of course I just assume is what this is Oh well it is what it is lol

The last statement is: “This looks very cool and cute. I also like the top”.

Thank you I’d have to agree with that statement very cute a Beauty