Trisha & Klaus (Part II)

Me too! Another heated argument between them going on right now. I actually wonder how long they will be together and they leave the project. I was watching their argument in the kitchen and then they went off line. I was very heated and of course Trish is hitting Klaus with pans and chocking him. UGHHH!

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Sooooo… we all doing a meet-up at Klaus’ funeral or?

Ohne Trisha Nahe zutreten ich denke es ist schwer mit ihr zum Leben warum auch immer . Habt man auch bei anderen Reichen mit andern Teilnehmer gesehen .

It’s not an argument, for it to be an argument there must be at least two people arguing. What I saw before I hung up was someone talking loudly and very excitedly and another calmly washing the dishes and completely ignoring what was going on around them.

When you use this technique, the chances of getting some bruises are high.

Yes, I can see that. She sure has a very strong willed personality. I couldn’t live with her. Klaus is so level headed.

How true. I give Klaus a lot of credit for his patience. I wonder if VHTV took them offline or they did it themselves. Though I didn’t see either of them with their phones in hand before they went offline.

Who is Maricas?

Yes, I really can’t see them being on here too much longer

Marica is a former participant :hugs:

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You’re very right, although the reason might be a little bit different than what’s talked about here :hugs:

How does she compare to Trisha?

What are your thoughts on that?

They are completely different people. Marica paid a short visit to Henry not too long ago. There are probably many of us here who would like to see more of her but…time will tell! :face_with_monocle: :hugs:

I see T & K are officially offline now due to “personal reasons”. Wonder if we will see them back???

if I may say my I hope klaus doesn’t come back…he looks like a person who is always lying in bed playstation or sleeping looks like a person who doesn’t feel like doing anything…(even when he goes with trisha to some party obviously in other vhtv participants house they always leave early)…

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loved seeing Marica at Henry but can see more of her online with her movies

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From you @John78 in addition to your obvious facepalm I would also like an explanation… :thinking:

You’re a good boy Andre, but this comment is not really the best you could have done. As you can easily notice, lately, almost all the comments here are entirely about Klaus and very little to none about Trisha (except the time when some arguments happen), which means that actually Klaus does a lot more content for this place, isn’t ?

About the parties and leaving them early, there is a very strong and legit reason for that to happen, and again, that’s NOT Klaus…

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if there was a serious fight I didn’t see it ( I only commented on what I saw every time I opened their apartment)…se they are offline because they had a heavy fight then my mistake… :pray:

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@John78 I thought the talk was how do you see this apartment in general…(at least from what I translated)… :wink: