
Another solution would be to only invite men that like other men. I’m sure there are more that a few viewers that would be ok with that idea. :wink:

That looks like it might need stitches. I’m no doctor, but that looks nasty.

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Perhaps the girls should be more aware of any situation they may get themselves into, especially lying around _____ and naked,not a particulary good idea perhaps eh?
Not that i am condoning what may have happened but responsibility applies to all.

Well if they only lie around naked and _____ with men that only like other men there should be no problem, eh? :thinking: 👨🏻‍🤝‍👨🏼

Neither am I condoning what may have happened here.

Toriana wird Monate brauchen bis die drüber hinweg kommt vill sogar Jahre ! Leider gibt es zu viele Schweine !!

We have no idea her mental fortitude to deal with these alleged accusations of trauma towards her. What you are saying is your opinion and an assumption.

Natürlich ist es bei jeden Menschen anders . Aber ich bezweifle dass man einfach mal so eine Vergewaltigung hinnimmt.

Too many members on here seem to have r__e on the brain i think :laughing:

Ich weiß immer noch nicht WER Toriana das angetan hat. Wäre es von VHTV möglich ein Porträtfoto von dem Vergewaltiger zu veröffentlich, damit a) andere Frauen gewarnt sind und b) der Typ zur persona non grata wird, sofern Toriana ihn nicht anzeigen möchte/kann

A good idea but I don’t think the rules allow for that scenario.

Perhaps these women if they are so worried should put some clothes on, or not get _____ and then get into bed naked with men they don’t know.
They all are practically inviting unwanted attention and then complain when they get it, or are they complaining and it’s only the moral police on this forum just stirring the s__t all the time.
They all know what to expect when they come into these apartments so perhaps if they are that worried then take some responsibility for their actions.

BTW back online

Oh so nothing that serious then :laughing:

even the Guest who was involved in the Incident

And still walking around naked so they are really really worried then :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I didn’t get a chance to see the 3some maybe in the Archive later :rofl:

Looking very upset and worried and stuffing her face :laughing:

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potatoes are boiled on high heat… in a short time without water the pot will burn out :rofl:

Ah well back to business i suppose, get the pussy out for the cam :laughing:

War wohl ein Sturm im Wasserglas, dennoch gilt NEIN bedeutet NEIN.
Ich weiß aber immer noch nicht WER es wahr