
OK will they remove the whole thing or just that bad part???

Usually just that part from what i remember

No idea, depends on their appreciation

If VHTV consider that the one with the beard who was coming and going without doing nothing, was involed perhaps they will take away
what ever he was on. except if he give good explanation that he did not * aware anything of the whole scene then only the R__e part

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This apartment should have been stayed to Jenya. I miss so much this guy :sob::sob:

Wow everyone was sooooooo worried about Pudding aka Scott Jr. and Talon they couldn’t see the real person they should be worried about. Great job guys
 :clap: :clap: :clap:

When will you understand that they are part the problem? I guess you never will or don’t want to :roll_eyes:

All I hear is excuses, excuses and more excuses
You are on here 24/7 yet you couldn’t see the r____t when he was right in front of your face. Maybe you should be spending a little less time on a porn site and a little more time with your sweet wonderful wife. I’m sure she would appreciate the extra attention. :hugs:

**This comment is about the alleged r__e and the r____t that happened in this realm. This comment is NOT off topic.

Disagree. Talon never did anything bad and Pudding since with Shenia is not doing s__t either. The only one who is to blame is the one who did it. And not Talon or Pudding.

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And I am saying if you were able to watch it in inga’s room she did the same thing with that guy the difference is that he understood and stopped trying as where this guy I am going to assume didn’t

You will never be able to convince them otherwise. They both fucked Queen and in their eyes that is an unforgivable offense. It ruined their love story for her

I assume that the girls ended up in that extreme state of i__________n they where when the Realm came back online without any “help” from the boys, just by themselves
 if you want to believe it, it’s up to you, i certainly know enough about them and what they doing to not

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Oh my now we are getting into conspiracy theories are we? I’m not entirely sure as this is not a complete sentence or grammatically correct.

Burnie Burns Conspiracy GIF by Rooster Teeth

I know English isn’t your first language but what??


I see you made an edit. Unfortunately it still needs a lot more work. I’ll do my best to help. :hugs:

*Honestly, it still needs more work, but I did my best.,

Intioxicated or not they were not the ones misbehaving.

I do not care who they fucked and you do not need to bring it up here as it has absolutely nothing to with the happenings last night. Just stop provoking John :point_down:


I am not trying to provoke John. Not everything I say has to be about him
 I gave my reasons why I think some users unfairly blame Pudding and Talon for things they have never done. Such as what happened here tonight. If you agree with my reasoning that it up to you.

Ein Lösungsansatz wĂ€re, dass kein wesentlicher MĂ€nnerĂŒberschuß bei den GĂ€sten erlaubt ist. Gutes Beispiel war gestern abend die Party bei Isidor und Cinderella, F/M 3:3
Vielleicht könnte man den Gastgeber oder die Gastgeberin auch beraten wen man einlÀdt und wer eventuell Stressverursacher sein könnte.

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Kaya is here to fix everything for us!

wonderwoman GIF