Timeline issues

Is it me or is every one of the realms timelines out?
Most by two or 3 hours but but realm 16 is 5 hours out. I thought it may be because of the time difference between my time zone and the one of the apartment’s if it is can this be changed so it purely reflects the time zone the apartment is in please? I have also noticed that certain apartments have a highlighted area in pink when any action occurred but not all, is that being implemented slowly so all timelines will have it? Hopefully someone from VHTV will read this and get back to me or should I raise a ticket?

You do know that realm 16 is in South America?

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No need to create a ticket, we hear you :blush:

You are right, the differences on timeline are cause of different timezones. As different realms are located in different timezones, I believe it’s more convenient to have timeline marked according to your time and not every local one.

What about highlighted areas, it means that activity was recorded, and you can find it in our archive. Moment is linked and you can see its preview when hovering highlighted zone. Please see example:


Thanks, I was aware -5 GMT.

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Sorry I beg to differ with the timeline differences per time zone and convenience. All I need to see is what you already have, in that under every apartment title is a +/- figure GMT. I can work it out from there I would just like to see the timeline as it is in the apartment’s time zone. Thank you for pointing out what the highlighted areas are though.

Is anyone else having problems with timelines? It seems that when I scroll through a time line (example Shana’s realm I get different realms popping up in that timeline) it gets very annoying

Mine does that too Loungermans. So I’m not alone in this.

Why my timeline not show up? But when I logout it shows

I got the same issue. Totally empty but when I logout it’s fine.

AGAIN??? B___dy hell @VHTV_James , get your s__t together snd sort out the issues. Missing time lines, cams loading slow, archive taking ages to display search results…

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It’s the same with me, it’s completely gone. When it was there it was often the wrong realm it showed, it has been like that for a few days.

Same in Europ, west coast, Paris time…

Same in Europ, west coast, Paris time…

Just started working again for me

Indeed! The timeline is back after disconnected and connected again!

I like the missing timeline. Now everyone can feel like a free user. This is kind of like a team building exercise.

Is it only me or do there have problems loading realms? None df the realms seem to be loading

For me the problem is,

if I follow the timeline in a realm,

the preview sometimes is the one, that I looked up last in the previous realm I watched,

and has nothing to do with the current one.

If you click on it, it shows the correct moment in the current realm.

So again, it’s just the “preview” when you point the cursor in timeline.

Is that my computer-issue, or a bug with VHTV??

That has been happening for months. I have sent at least 6 tickets about it, but nothing gets done. I don’t see what purpose that preview serves, the only thing it does do is get in the fucking way. Perhaps @VHTV_James may like to do something about it or have a poll to see how many people are in favour of keeping it compared to those that want it gone?

And how do you propose to see if you have missed something and/or want a segment archived without the timeline???
Maybe you haven’t thought it through