The Real World

Either I have lost touch with reality, (that was tongue in cheek sarcasm), or some of these err…Residents, have…They REALLY need to get out more. To say some act and behave “strange” would be an understatement. It really is not normal.

Send them some educational literature. As an audio or videobook. In russian. LOL

Define normal.

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Well I can define “Not Normal”. I guess “Normal” is a matter of conjecture, but what is NOT normal, is having 4 people in the room, 3 Boys (sorry, I cannot call them “Men”) and1 Girl. One Boy watching TV and I think lives there, one playing a Vid Game Online and was a Guest and the other two (Boy and Girl) deciding to get naked and bonk on the sofa, where the one watching TV swaps sides, because the naked Boys foot was banging him in the back and not one of them battering an eyelash and just carrying on…If their Parents could have witnessed that, I am sure they would have been appalled and thinking “How the hell did they end up like this after we raised them correctly?!”.I supposed some crass F____rs, who was F____r to the Boys, would have thought “that’s my Boy!” But as the F____r of the Girls, I would have been ashamed to call her my D______r and I would have disowned her on the spot. No one in their right mind, would call that sort of behavior “Normal”. And that caption the Site uses “Normal people, living normal lives” REALLY needs to be scrapped.

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I suppose one would have to ask the question first…“Can any of them actually read?”

You are correct. Most of these tenants are here for two reasons - free place and to perform/show whatever they want for paid subscribers. The term voyeur nowadays refers to “watching people” who fully know that the cams are there and allow you to observe their daily life/routine. VHTV is all-inclusive which means that they take anyone - no matter how boring, immature or c___dish. Sad reality, some subscribers want to watch young kids and/or wannabe/ex pornstars. Losing interest in VHTV fast.


Can you? Or maybe you don’t know what audio/videobook is but rest assured you don’t need to know how to read to use them. You’re listening/watching them.

And I wasn’t suggesting they can’t read, I’m pretty sure they can :rofl:. Simply audio/videobooks are more enjoyable (personal view) than classic books.

Regarding “normal” - watching TV is very normal, playing video games is also normal, having sex infront of others - I would call it unusual in real life and normal in a way of “making a show”. Not normal in my book is having a nails for breakfast or brushing teeth with jackhammer :rofl:

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@ [Tyrel7297 and Alli - I know perfectly well what audio/videobook’s are thanks, it was sarcasm, but maybe I should have used a different come-back :0) i am not actually condemning what they are doing, each to their own and some people just have not got the IQ points to do anything else with their lives, Maybe the Education System is to blame for that, or maybe they just could not be bothered, which is a shame and probably more to the point. As John Holmes once said, when an Interviewer asked him what he was going to do when he gets too old for porn, given he has no education to speak of and Holmes replier “Why bother with education when you have a big cock,” Maybe with an education he would not have died so young in such a needless way. As you say it is more “a show”, it is what they get paid to do. My objection is advertising it as “normal people, doing everyday normal things”, and I am sure you see the “falseness” not to mention irony of that statement. I also know what the definition “Voyeur” means and trying to see where the “fun” is in watching this sad lot and I totally agree with you, although I would say i am not losing interest, more I have lost interest. For me there is nothing more boring, or off putting than “pretend sex” and there is only one thing sadder than needing to get paid for it, because you are incapable of doing anything worthwhile and sadder is paying to actually watch it. Maybe “having a nails for breakfast or brushing teeth with a jackhammer” might be a better distraction :0)

Agree - what is now provided on VHTV is nowhere near normal to what “we” know as being normal. That is why trying to be a voyeur to most of these “abnormal” apartments/houses is not working for us. Everyone can beg to differ but this is how I feel about VHTV and RLC. Camarads is somewhat normal but as a voyeur site it lacks any teases or any excitement to even attempt to watch the boring participants.

You’re not condemning them you’re just saying they’re not normal, you would be ashamed and disown them, joking they can’t read and claiming they’re doing this because they have low IQ. Sure, english isn’t my native language but this still looks like contradiction to me.

You want “normal” without occasional blatant show? KristyKrabs, Hector and Marla, Candy Reed would be my tips for you. Or Camarads (credits to Tyrel).

And Tyrel actually just show you why some put up shows. Because for most (in my opinion) people “normal” = boring.

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Another point is that we are told that nowadays there is a new normal ( and not just masks after covid) When i was at school we dd not even have mobile phones let alone be able to access naked photos of all my classmates , which is apparently the new norm. Not that i would have wanted to- i went to an all boys school.
I the same way my parents would have been horrified by it and disowned thier kids - nowadays it is accepted.

I agree withy everything you say [Tyrel72971. You also spot on with “Camarads is somewhat normal but as a voyeur site it lacks any teases or any excitement” I guess at times you really cannot win, can you :0) I have always seen the word “Voyeur” as someone who watches…?..whatever lol, as someone who watches something without knowing they are being watched and an act that is 100% “real” and not acted for the cameras, because they do not know a person is watching. If you see what I mean. I understand that they know (obviously), but at least keep it real and do something because you want to do it and not because the Owners of the Site tell you that “you must beef up the excitement a bit”. Doing what I said I witnessed, to me was just so false, not to mention sad and not something any “normal” person would do and was actually ridiculous and if not for the fact I was thinking of the Boy and the Girls Parents, not to mention their self respect, I would have found it funny. reminded me of that TV Program (if you have ever seen it) “2 Pints of Larger and a Packet of Crisps”, where one of them used to say to Will Mellor: “Dance Monkey Dance!”…Having said that, I guess the real Mugs are the paying public. You can get what they do, including the acting, on any free Porn Site going.

I am condemning! What I said was “each to their own.”, but that still doesn’t make it right. I am also not sure if me saying “can they actually read”, was that much of a joke, or just a factual statement, but hey-ho. I have 5 D______rs and if I found out that even one was doing…“this”…I would be horrified and be thinking “ok, where did I go wrong?!” And I am sorry, but given what we are talking about, their IQ’s obviously are low! No one with any sense of intellect would be doing this…they wouldn’t feel the need to the way they are doing it, in fact it would not even enter their heads as a way to make ends meet. I get the need for money etc, I also understand why they are doing it…I think lol…and it is certainly better than robbing a Bank, or whatever, but it can all still be done with “some” dignity and decorum. Having sex on cam, fine. Threesomes, fine…B___din Orgies, fine, BDSM, fine and all within the realms of sexually having a good time and whatever floats your boat. I am far from a prude, but having sex, while another watched TV and another is playing a game on the Computer and having no shame, no sense of any class (if that is even possible given the circumstances) and is, lets face it, all kinds of degradation, is also just all kinds of wrong and I am sure not the way these “c___dren” have been brought up and if they were, then shame on the Parents. You are also not getting my point at all. The point being, you cannot make a statement like “normal, real people, living normal real lives”, when it is anything but!! Or can you not see that. Just call it what it is, so there is no misleading, or false statements and advertising, which is: “A Badly Ham Acted Porn Site, where Amateurs Love to Degrade Themselves, as long as they get paid in some way” and be done with it… I am not English either, but I do speak 9 languages fluently and I am intelligent enough to know that there is no contradiction in what I write, what so ever. I am also able to see both sides of a coin, but there is a limit in it all and a line that must not be crossed if you want to keep reality and not cross over to pure filth in porn.

Great comment and with all due respect and I hear what you are saying, but that is not what one could call “the new norm” and is more “a new form of degradation for 2021.” I am like you, I come from a World where Mobiles, even the Internet, etc. were things we only saw in SyFy Films In fact sadly, I am “that” old, where I existed before there was even Color TV’s! We all “wowed” at the Original Star-Trek and laughed at it, while saying, “Yeah, like that will ever happen.” lol. and awed when the Walkman came along, sigh!. I do feel however that you are right. yes we would disown our c___dren, yes we would be horrified and yes…sadly, nowadays it is acceptable, but that does not mean we have to be happy about it and just accept it…Does it? :0).I am not a religious Man, far from it and although there is some truth the the Bible, i feel it is iostly exaggerated and “made up” over the hundreds of years and is a lot like “the fish that got away”, where each time the Fisherman tells the story, the fish gets bigger and bigger, until we end up with “Jonah and the Whale” :0) but to use the Bible,God should have saved that flood and used it now, as a feel Humanity has reached a new low and needs sorting out.

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Ok, I think I’m done here, Mr. Preacher. I’m leaving knowing that fortunatelly almost nobody cares what you think and I’m happy for it. Have a nice rest of your life :wink:.

You mean you bothered to actually read everything

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I know you’re joking but sadly you’re correct. I guess it’s some kind of OCD but I read everything here :slightly_smiling_face:.

Trying to have a serious discussion about the real world on a forum of this type of place is a hoot.

Agree, it started as a joke from me. I don’t know how it ended up like that. Guess I’m getting crazy. Or old. Or both :crazy_face: :rofl: :rofl:

[quote=“Alli, post:15, topic:8219”]
“I’m leaving knowing that fortunatelly (spelt wrong) almost nobody cares what you think and I’m happy for it.”
marcie59 (on here) and their comment is spot on…And yet, not only did you read it all, you replied to it all…You are an idiot and yes, we are done.