I could not agree more, but one must try and at least it is getting read, even if laughed at. To quote John Lennon :“The time you enjoy wasting, is not time wasted” :0)
Seriously? Spell check now? ROFLMAO
Idiot sounds nice, could be worse. I don’t give a damn either way, sir
You explained it accurately. Finally someone of the same mind and thinking. Marla & Hector and past tenants Jessi & Mars are or were the most real of any VHTV apartments. Most others, if not all, VHTV apartments are unreal, not normal and “show” apartments/houses that make a mockery of true voyeurism. Stick to your beliefs because you are so right about how VHTV has drastically changed compared to it’s original conception. Fake voyeur cam site. RLC no longer resembles a real voyeur cam site with normal people either since it now is just another fake voyeur cam site too. When RLC originally started it’s concept was so widely received, followed and was a voyeur’s dream site. The type of tenants and guests are great indicators of how bad/b____l these voyeur cam sites have changed for the worse.
“I don’t give a damn either way, sir”…?..And yet here you are “again”…You really do not learn do you lol. Go away c___d, now you are just boring me.
Heh, like there is something to learn here . Just k__ling time
I can be wherever I want so sorry no can do. And if it bores you, well, not really my problem .
Well said that Man :0) “drastically changed” is right. I too remember when it was a true Voyeur Site and then about a year or so ago, all “this” started happening and I remember thinking, “what the f…is this s__t?!” With some, not only were they getting paid to be on this Site and “perform”, they were also on this Site, while being on Cam-Sites and being paid for that too. In fact they still are and from what I can tell, Maddy & Rocco being one of the main Culprits. Why would anyone want to pay $40 plus for that?! I am so glad that someone else agrees with me that it is all making a mockery of what true Voyeurism is all about and has just descended into some kind of Sleazy Porn Den and you are so right as to what it has become. As I said, all the falseness and play-acting…We can all just sift through the Free Porn Channels and get all this without having to pay through the nose for it…
Aaaand here it is again lolol…There is plenty to learn c___d, but then anyone who can not see that, is obviously a lost cause and you are just “one of those” annoying little Urchins who needs to have the last word. You are right of course, you can be wherever you want and be whatever you want, as long as its legal. I think legal draws the line at peering into other peoples windows. and if you choose to behave like a complete Tool and Idiot, they hey, who am I to stand in your way :0) My M____r gave me some great advice as I was growing up and was still saying dumb things…“better to keep ones mouth shut and have them think you’re a fool, than to open it and have them know you’re a fool.” Something you would do well to learn from c___d. Isn’t it past your bedtime? Oh sorry, I forgot, you want the last word first…Well you go ahead,Have fun with it :0)
Yay, thanks . I gladly take it. It’s so much fun with you I simply can’t resist
Btw - technically you can go ilegal without a problem. Just don’t get caught
Another thing that I have noticed which has changed for the bad is these forum discussion sites (xcamfan chat room, camcaps fan page forums and now this VHTV forum). In the past, members were friendly, respectful and appreciated good discussions with like minded voyeurs. Over the last year these sites deteriorated to personal insults, disrespect, looking for arguments and the complete lack of knowledge of what voyeurism, real people and normal lives really means.
Members seem to want porn stars, gangbangs, orgies, switching partners, weird tenants and more crap. Voyeur cam sites are not what they use to be and cam sites like chaturbate are more tame and more watchable. Like you said “a couple having sex, while a guy sits nearby and jerks off or on the phone or watching porn while another guy sitting at a desk playing a computer game” - not normal. Oh well, society will have to live with this new fucked up young generation which will keep getting worse. Really sad that older members (in age) desire this type of life for their voyeur type pleasure. Not my thing. Subtle voyeur teases like cleavage, bare leg/thigh showing from a slitted skirt, pokies, shapely ass in tight jeans/pants or even lingerie or bikini and much more. Nowadays it is in-your-face nudity and sex.
To be honest I am only on this one and have not explored anymore of these Forum pages, neither do i want to lol. I just got sucked in with another conversation and was enjoying it, so stuck around. I have to agree I also succumb to insults at times, although not often, it is just sometimes comments made are so dumb, I just cannot help myself, although I know I should, so I hang my head in shame lol. But some just insult for the sake of it, which is a shame. But lets face it, when you let a Site sink so low, you are bound to attract the less desired ones and Neanderthal comments, such is Human Nature, sorry to say and I agree with you, a lot do not know the meaning of what Voyeurism actually means, or is and you are right, Voyeurism is about what you do not see, or rather not quite see, with the odd “flash” that can get one excited and it is the imagination that really runs riot and in your face nudity is as you say, is just sex on cam nd nothing new, or exciting, especially when you just know it is acting for the camera. Sadly I also agree with you, the more c___dren that are born and drawn into Sites like this, the worse they are going to get over the years. I am waiting for the day when S___f Movies are actually legal, because I am sure in the future, it WILL be coming and that thought is scary.
Sounds like you’ve been watching Yan and Flora.
I agree that some of these people need to “get a life” (and some of the older ones apparently do have jobs outside that occupy much of their day), but most of them are apparently here because they are getting paid a percentage of all subscriptions and donations, and they see “entertaining” a paid audience as an easy way to get by - plus, I think it’s ben pointed out that for some of them they are getting free housing, etc. That is the reality of VHTV. I don’t know what “true voyeurism” means in this conversation - a voyeur is someone who gets sexual fulfillment from watching other people either get naked or have sex. I’m here to watch people do those things. I like to watch other people get naked and have sex. There is enough of that here to satisfy me - if there’s nothing going on, or a particular apartment doesn’t live up to expectations, I move on to one that does. I don’t understand what all the nitpicking about “true voyeurism” and sham apartments is about. I come here to watch people fuck. A few I watch just because I like to see their naked bodies (Katia and Barbie, for example) If they don’t get naked or fuck, I move on to another place where they do. Simple as that. (Also, some of the younger ones - Katia, Tessa, Barbie and possibly others) are university students, and most likely doing this as a way of supporting themselves.
I did have them in mind when I said what I said, yes :0) That certainly is a strange set-up to say the least. But then they are ALL strange in their way…Have Yan and Flora also started to do S___f Movies? lol
Yes, some do other jobs outside of the House. I think Henry (Mia & Henry) is one, although that is probably linked to Porn, as he seems to think of nothing else. I agree with most of what you say, although the true meaning of the word Voyeur seems to be lost on you too. There are two definitions really. 1, is a true Voyeur style the other is the misconception as to what it REALLY is, although you are right in what you say :0) 1* a person who gets sexual pleasure from secretly watching other people have sex", which is your definition, although hardly a secret on here. and then we have… 2. “a person who likes seeing and talking, or writing about something that is considered to be private” Which is the true definition, of which this Site is anything but that either. But I do understand what you mean and kudos to you :0) As I keep saying, each to their own, but just because you do not understand all the nitpicking (although hardly nitpicking at $30 a month and above!), you should not condemn it, anymore than I condemn what you think is true Voyeurism. I would say what you enjoy is not Voyeurism but more “watching other people engaging in pretend sex”. Which is really not the same thing, But as long as you enjoy it and think that you are getting value for your money, then to you, that is all that matters :0) But there are quite a few of us that think we are not and feel…“short changed”, because they are not producing what they advertise and that right there is our problem and as I said, at $30 plus a pop, that is not right. I have no doubt you are right about University Students, although i do not see that as some excuse for doing this and I actually think of the moral implications…sorry, but being one of the Older Generation, who has learned through his own (and others) mistakes, as I have gone through life, I would…, which goes for any Porn where you are selling your body and your integrity, so you can earn a few bucks. As a Parent, I often sit here and wonder, all this they are doing is out there, on the internet, on various free Sites and will be there forever. When they get married, have c___dren of their own and those c___dren grow up and invariably they WILL go on Porn Sites at some stage of their lives…how they are going to feel when they come across Mum and possibly Dad, fucking on cam, on what is basically a Porn Site, for all the World to see…including their School Mates, or Work Colleagues, where they might find out through them about their Parents “faux pasf”…Just a thought.
Totally agree with everything you said. Obviously we are old school about voyeurism and others make up their own definition of what voyeurism means to them. To those it is like going to a sex club and paying money to watch others having sex. So with these voyeur cam sites they pay a subscription and expect to see sex and porn style activities via the webcam. The problem is - the sex participants/tenants intentionally perform for the paid up voyeur to watch them on these sites now. In the past, these voyeur cam sites (RLC, voyeur-villa and originally VHTV with some tenants) had tenants that lived a more normal real life and it was an effort to catch some teases and nudity but a longer wait to watch the couples having sex (mostly undercover but a big bonus and thrill to see full naked sex). Marla & Hector are an excellent example of this ideal type of true voyeurism.
Sadly you are 100% right. As you say, the Sites and the definition has changed and I find them boring and overpriced. I also agree with you on the Hector & Marla comment and although Marla is not the typical body type I would go for, i do love her enthusiasm and maybe I like them as a couple because they are not the typical body type and they do seem more “real” :0) As you say, it all used to be more real and personally I thought a lot more fun. I liked the thought of maybe something “might” happen, but might not, it made the anticipation fun and when it did eventually happen, I thought a lot more rewarding, for want of a better word. Now I just think “not this old chestnut”, which is a shame, but hey-ho. I guess it is the sign of the times and the “I want it yesterday” mentality that has been adopted. People just have no patience these days lol
Я не знаю насколько ваше мнение по поводу этого ресурса. Но здесь особо интересного в кадре мало что происходит. Поймите меня правильно, реальная жизнь людей в настоящих квартирах без камер, а здесь люди знают что их снимают. Отсюда я видел некоторое стеснение, например когда в душе девушки моются или происходит секс. Некоторые (Лиля из Kazantip-House например) просто приходят абы бесплатно пожить или побухать в компании и всё, нечего смотреть.
Some tenants know what is expected and put on intentional shows for viewers. More views equals more money for them. Some just grab a free apartment and do little else or get uncomfortable and leave soon after. Some guests are there for a trial to see if they are worthy of an apartment so they perform for the cameras (nudity and sex). Some guests get nervous and shy with the cameras and either hide or cover up or leave and don’t come back. They all know the cams are there but it might get too overwhelming and feel that they have no privacy. Some young kids need a place to stay but only to play c___dish games or internet games or party with friends with or without sex. Quite the mix of tenants - all sex, some sex or no sex. Some subscribers don’t look for sex but actually just want to watch boring people living a normal boring life - go figure - lol. VHTV tries to have a little something for everyone’s specific needs and that is why they have between 30 to 40 apartments/houses which results in more subscribers.
You keep saying you agree with me and that I’m right about what I say, but that I don’t understand what real voyeurism is and that the sex on VHTV is “pretend sex.” That’s the biggest laugh I’ve had all day - why don’t you look in on Milana and Robien right now - right now! - and tell me they are pretending to have sex??? Or Elliot and Tessa at just about any time of day or night? Or Amelie and Lucas, Timotheo and KristyKrebs, Otto and Lola - they are all participants who have a lot of sex in their bedrooms, on their couches, in their showers, pretty much every day. I don’t know what you think “real” sex is as opposed to “pretend” sex. But if those places I just mentioned bore you, that’s too bad.
VHTV со своими участниками приближен к реализму, в этом особенность перед порно, где 100% постановка обычно и реже снято из реальности. Это некий реализм с условностями, все-таки потому что участники знают что под камерами находятся. 100 % реализм может быть только при шпионстве за обычными квартирами людей.