Reza I suggest
Hottie = Reza Sold
Richie is getting a feel of Rezas nips
I just wanted to list down all the new folks who graced us since yesterday.
- Barton
- Rowena
- Guest girl 1 (leopard dress) …TBN
- Kiana
- Jacko
- Richie
- Reza
- Blondie lady… Olea
- Elderly man… Torsten
These are just new folks. Amar, Milli, Selena and Reginald have previously visited.
Who you mean?
His name is @Carlson_realm92 my friend
Let me grab their faces for your reference in a bit.
If you mean the blonde who arrived in the morning and mostly only wore a white thin shirt her name is Olea
Olea and Torsten. They are both in Wiki
Are they previous visitors?
Nope both arrived first time this morning
Waiting for her to get some action and be crowned with a name. She is an incessant reeler/tiktoker.
This was the only piece of action she got from Jacko which was mostly hidden from cam in blind spots😅
She showed her tits to Jacko in the bathroom earlier but that’s all she did
She even did a quick bj(gulp gulp) but it got hidden in a blind spot.
When it happened at that same time when she showed tits it’s already saved.
Yeah it’s in the same sequence of events in the Bathroom. Her phone is irritating sometimes Makes her less approachable for men with naughty intentions.
look like u people need to exchange msgs in PM rather than doing useless chats on forum…
Yes she’s vlogging the whole sex party with her phone. She just doesn’t go where the action is