Not the first time. It could be an existing medical condition. It could be other stuff as well. Only they know. Sylva takes good care of him for sure.
It looks like something else, yes.
Any exorcist on the forum?
It would be great to see Ariela join this little group of very active fuckers.
She looks bored all alone in her bath, while the others are having the time of their lives.
And she doesn’t live too far away !!!
Who’s going to invite her to these little orgies?
Sylvia, please contact her …
What’s going on with Grandpa Carson? Did it look like any severe pain or loss of a loved one? I guess it’s a good thing he fell asleep.
Looks like Jessy picked up the anchor. I guess there’s too much fucking going on in there so nobody’s gonna see her fucking around again.
oh, the two ladies are a dream, even better
One of the two for your kind reference
I think all of them desperately need to sleep or atleast take a nap. Ive also been awake following the party and the prep for it for almost 26 hours now
Hoping for more wildcard entries to spice things up. Also, once @Carlson_realm92 is up, the place will have it’s crazy energy back once again.
I hope and pray that you are not screaming and jumping in bed like friend Carlson
Trust me, lot of time left until I go to sleep. Currently watching Euro quarter finals and will also watch the Copa America quarter final double header as well.
Won’t be surprised if I wake up in the ER
I understand that the combination of football and sex is irresistible, control the ■■■■
The spirit has left his body
I don’t do ■■■■■■■ brother. Only marijuana and tobacco and an insane amount of voyeurism
Ah well!!!, you will live many years