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На случай если нам надо будет убегать из страны это будет наш спасательный круг.
В нашей стране водят военное положение.
Клаудия сегодня слышала как над нашим домом летали самолёты или ракеты и очень испугалась . На всякий случай собирает тревожный чемодан . Для эвакуации .
Я соблюдаю спокойствие и читаю новости в которых очень много фейка и только крупица правды
You said you trust him more than Trump, that’s basically the same; anyway, I’m just hoping American army will not have to step up to protect Europe again…
A glass dedicated to a type of ■■■■ is important, like wines or a_____l…in France , u _____ a champagne in a specific glas , same for a cognac or in UK or Ireland whisky or Guiness…same everywhere…
Elon, Sophia and Claudia you are in my thoughts. Nobody wants this situation. I hope it will not become more serious. Stay calm and safe. Just wait and see what will happen. Unfortunately the media are making a big story out of this particularly western media. I hope you don’t have to leave but thank you for your paypal details. Many of us here will try to help whatever way we can.
It is only natural. All my sarcasm aside, no one should ever have to go through this.
May I remind viewers that all participants came from somewhere…families, friends, social circles unseen. We see only a glimpse in a world that we can fantasize about…but no one truly fantasizes about the traumatic events that one endures during tragedy.