We thought you were in Russia.
I’m sorry to see her leave but I’m even more sorry for what could potentially happen to these people.
Sorry to hear that
Stay safe
I am sorry to read this… May peace and war prevail far from you. You guys are nice and kind people, I love you guys so much…fuck the gang that wants war and rules the Kremlin
I am very sad for that
such a difficult time … may the powers that be, sort themselves out … and please stay safe …
huggs and peacefull thoughts from the bottom of Africa …
goistaria de dizer que no reino sofia e eloi. claudia e muito ciumenta atrapalha demais o apartamento, eloi no começo recebia muitos comvidados e fazia diversas orgias, agora ela nao sai de cima do rapaz, por nada, se esta na cozinha ela fica em cima no quarto nao deixa ninguem chegar perto, na minha opinião ela deveria se tocar e ser menos possessiva, deixa o rapaz em paz para curtir, fica 24horas por dia em cima dele, coitada da sofia as vezes nao comnsegue nem chegar perto, por que ela esta sempre em cima.
You must be new here as you don’t really understand their relationship and you should read what they wrote themselves as they are happy with their lives and arrangements. And I suggest you read about their lives and then you will understand them better.
Stay safe, as others have already said please leave the counrty if you need to, to stay safe. Our thoughts are with you.
Спасибо вам большое за слова поддержки , мы готовимся к любым вариантам .
Обдумываем планы в стиле а что если ??
И готовимся действовать в соответствии с ситуацией.
Stay as safe as you can @Sophia_Elon
I see they turned off the tv. Good idea.
I think so too because I’m sure they are worried enough as it is without any more gloom and doom. I really hope things don’t escalate.
For those interested just heard on the news that Ukraine has just announced a state of emergency in the country, sounds as though it is about to kick off, god help us.
Yes and apparently for 30 days to be reviewed later. This is not a good development at all.
Yeah good move as if they are anything like the reporters in the UK are all a bunch of over opinionated wankers.
Like @jabbath1987 said, The first victim is always the truth. It is hard to know what realy is going on. For all we know, Putin and Biden might have already agreed on where the Russians will stop. If you can’t trust politicians, if you can’t trust the media, then why let them fuck with your mind? Elon c.s. had better continue doing what they do best: make love, not war.