I wanted to bring up something tht’s causing me trouble. Our member Carlos has a habit of commenting on tenants he considers shy, and many of you are not happy about it. I’ve been getting a lot of flags, accusations, and some of you are even joking that he must be the CEO’s son since he hasn’t been banned.
Personally, I think people are allowed to have opinions as long as they’re not insulting others, but I also see how this is frustrating for you. No matter what I do, someone ends up being unhappy, so we will settle this in democratic way.
What does community want?
We want Carlos to stay, he has done nothing but expressing his opinion
We want Carlos to leave, he is spamming, toxic and trolling
sein verhalten nervt. auf einer seite wie dieser die menschen vor der kamera ‘schüchtern’ zu bezeichnen nur weil nicht jeder konstant im flutlicht lebt ist ein hohn an sich… und mal ehrlich: wer von uns hat im ganz realen alltag nicht auch oft das licht gedimmt …
sich auf die meinungsfreiheit zu berufen ist auf der einen seite sein gutes recht, auf der anderen seite allerdings eine extrem billige ausrede für ziemlich alles was wieder und wieder ganz knapp an ‘unangemessen’ vorbeischrammt
The thing I dislike the most about him is when participant answers him and say why they did not switch on the lights he kind of attacks them instead of accepting this.
He thinks that they are in a circus there to only entertain us and forgets AND also does not even accept that they are human beings like all of us who want to have some cozy time with the lights off.
And the way he says it it can’t be even seen as a joke. He is dead serious with that
When I look at the Funny’s & Jokes topic and see how hard they joke about discriminatory jokes about women and celebrities and exactly these very people point their fingers at a comparatively harmless Carlos now, it’s quite astonishing…
I assume that from the 7th of February until now, you couldn’t learn about Carlos’s doings. Interesting to name him “harmless” when he’s non stop harassing the participants/guests everywhere. Even more interesting is that we needed to have a poll about it, when it’s all written black on white in the FAQ’s
If he annoys you so much put him on ignore, I have Isn’t that what it’s there for? Most guys that want him out, tag him in posts when there’s pictures with the lights off.
I have him on ignore and have done for a long while, I unfortunately sometimes still see his posts
If the vote does suggest he gets silenced I’m told he has a social media presence that loves him so I’m sure someone can share that information for those that want it