No-no, sorry but we can’t authorize sharing it here. It’s violating our copyright😇
I asked him nicely to stop face palming my posts just because the photo is in black and white but he just continues. He does not respect fellow Forum users. I think it is high time he was banned, at least for a period.
For everybody not getting the joke
what would he be right about since he only breaks down that if a person has sex with poor lighting it means he is a shy person…
Naja nicht recht eventuell falsch ausgedrückt . Ich glaub viele Abonnenten würden sich wünschen mehr mit Licht zu sehen (meine Meinung ) er schreibt halt was er denkt
if you want to see everything organized with all the lights in the right position you are not in the right site…
Intuitively I’d say that he doesn’t need to be banned.
Intuitively, because I actually don’t bother reading his posts, because I already know what it’s about. So I can’t really judge if he is crossing a line and getting too rude or aggressive. But my impression so far has always been that he’s a one trick pony, maybe a nuisance, but generally harmless.
I would trust your judgement in that, if somebody really needs to get banned, it would be self-evident, you’d know it without any doubt on your mind. And your doubts would mean that the community can probvably handle that person without intervention from the authorites.
Also, voting people off the island kinda feels like bullies picking on the un-popular kid. I don’t think we should make that a thing.
The difference is they don’t like assholes about it like he does.
I think what is being missed is that he doesn’t just comment on the lighting or lack of it, which whilst tedious is not a big deal, he actively face palms forum users posts if they use a black and white photo and it is for this reason that I object to his conduct and feel it is disrespectful to other users.
I can’t say that any of the forum participants irritate me with their messages. But sometimes it seems that it would be better for some to keep their opinions to themselves more often and not rush to share them. However, if I judge so harshly, I’m afraid that the forum will become deadly silent.
I am NOT a fan of Carlos by the longest stretch of the imagination, but there might have been a third option for your poll.
He gets to stay, but he is absolutely forbidden to post ANYTHING about shyness, sex in the dark, sex undercovers, etc., etc., the whole nine yards.
And, he’s not allowed to facepalm or thumbs down any black and white photo or photo with insufficient lighting. And each time he does any of these things, his vacation from VHTV gets longer.
Basically, put him on a very short leash. Just a thought.
Well, as that’s all that he’s doing on this forum, it doesn’t make any difference really
Wow, I was once told by the CEO, just use the Damn Iggy button. That’s what it is there for.
His views are his alone.
That’s correct and he can keep them for himself or take responsibility for them
The members of the thought police cease to amaze me on this forum. “OMG someone said something that offends me!” Ban them now! AH!
“He is so annoying! Ban him!” Such children. I stopped seeing this behavior with my kids when they reached 10.
While that behaviour may be childish and probably not very kind, I can only see one’s use of those reaction emojies as the mildest of annoyances, not worth getting banned for.
Also, emojies are kind of ambiguous. Is that face-palm directed at you, for posting the picture, or at the content of the picture? Is it even a gesture of agreement with what he perceives to be your motivation to post that picture?
I’m not sure if this is actually true, but I think facepalms and angry faces may even count as positive reactions, meaning you would get a “nice reply” badge for 20 of those.
Ok, maybe with some creativity one could get really offensive with the wider selection of in-text emojies, but even that would still be kinda funny and harmless, wouldn’t it? For scientific purposes, what’s the most offensive combination of emojies you can think of? Hit me, I think I can take it.
My only worry which i really didn’t notice if mentioned before is if the “public” speaks and he is punished what is to stop others from getting mad or not liking a person and start annoying Kaya and do this all over again to an innocent person where does it end
I think the fact that she asks the people here about their opinion shows she won’t do that…
Well no surprise for me which clientele speaks the loudest here and uses words like “thought police” …
He is annoying but harmless there are many viewers who made fun of participants and realms many times… and used bad language against them but they are still here and playing around… so its pointless to take action… just put him on ignore list its simple as that…