Should we have some basic rules for posting pictures on the forum?

my connection speed is a 1 gig download and 100 mb upload…

Wow, that’s impressive. you are very lucky :wink:

think that in italy we are at the bottom of the list of countries with the slowest connection…

1Gb is pretty good. mine is 250 Mb and I am quite happy with it.

Yes, exactly I was until we started calling users out by name. :wink:

for me it’s fine however if you live downtown you can also get up to 10 gb in download… :+1:

Also, if a new member makes a mistake for 1 month, no consequences will be attributed to him until he learns how the system works. If this does not happen, we create psychological problems for the new Members to continue…
as a result of that there will be almost the same Members… & the Forum will lose interest

@Bluewinner only asked you not to post so many photos in one post…

There is no consequences, like I said it was just a friendly suggestion. just imagine how the forum will look like if everyone started uploading over 80 screenshots in their posts :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Listen, if we address it, let’s make it straight:

  1. Amount of images per post does not affect the topic or overall forum performance
  2. If you scroll like a madman while your device is not capable of it or your internet connection sucks, well, the forum will perform s__t to you. That applies to any other website given the same starting conditions.
  3. If the community decides via vote to enf___e images qty limit per post, we can enf___e it for everyone and within short period of time we will warn & suspend non-compliant accounts here at forum.

There is no quick technical solution to limit the quantity of images you add per post as these are just links to the post composer functionality, yet it will be as efficient as we just silence the users not complying with this hypothetical rule we may have.

What amount of pictures is a limit for you to consider the post as “comfortably digestible”
  • 5 max
  • 10 max
  • 15 max
  • 30 max
  • Unlimited
0 voters
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I understand what you mean that not everyone has a fast connection and so it can be a problem to look at the photos on the page when someone posts a lot of photos together… :+1:

In full honesty for me doesn’t matter how many images are in one post, i believe that more annoying is when multiple forum members are posting same or almost same pics one after the other

I am not saying that i haven’t done myself, which probably i have

Mass report duplicating posts in order for them to be hidden automatically

I voted unlimited as I think rational thinking will tell that it is not really helpful just spamming posts with photos. And it was not a big problem for me at least. New members can be told to be careful when they post a too high number.

BUT for me important is that the photos are not always the same and therefore look like spam. Posts like that should be reported as spam.

Yes, I don’t understand why people upload so many almost identical images in the same gallery :roll_eyes:

it can also be that a person posts a number of photos that are identical to another user without meaning to because they don’t look at the photos that have already been posted…

I tend to agree with you, but some galleries are so humongous that it takes a while to scroll past it.

Some pics can be same but intentions are different…… :smirk:

In addition, TL4 allows it’s members to edit the posts, which may be helpful to edit the posts in order to remove the duplicating media/scenes. It works well if high trust forum members address it privately to the user in order to bring their attention to the issue.

In the end, with enough reports on users duplicating the existing content, such users will be deprived from ability to post anything.

But the thing is they are not the same. The pictures are taken a couple seconds apart. Can we still report them as duplicates?

The other problem is various users may have other users on ignore so they won’t know if they are posting duplicates or not.