Should we have some basic rules for posting pictures on the forum?

Ok but I wasn’t trying to stir anything. I was very respectful with my post, so I don’t appreciate the accusation. :pensive:

Most comments are more annoying than pictures /imho

Most annoying thing is pics with narration and stories :sweat_smile::joy::joy:

Well the choice is like choosing between a giant douche and a turd sandwich…

I always thought Indians like narration and stories, specially love stories :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I find people using 2nd accounts to support their opinions quite Annoying as well

We love real stories not made up by some immature person who like to manipulate things according to him…:sweat_smile:

Yes, but most of the good ones are fictitious :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Do you think that Romeo & Juliet was a real life tragedy ? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I gather you think I have more than 1 account. I don’t. For me the pictures and videos far outweigh the comments people post.

You sure know a lot about the forum for your account being less than a day old…

I added the picture after Daleys started calling out the users by name. :wink:

Maybe he is a fast reader. :sweat_smile:

Ohh good old Torey, you never fail… :joy: :rofl:

Don’t worry today it’s me tomorrow it will someone else who will kick asses of immature kids on this forum….:sweat_smile::blush: who thinks they are owner of this site….

I’ve read it a lot before joining.

I think the rules and regulations should be the same for everyone. VHTV Forum should make it known what everyone can do and write it in the Topic and stay there so will don’t v_____e by anyone and by first timers
I also think that we should be able to upload photos but once a day in each Topic, We can also put it to a vote what You or the Forum will decide

.Fixed it for you. :wink: :hugs:

If images annoy you, just ignore the user, why f___e your rules on everyone and spoil it for the people who enjoy the images more than the comments? It really doesn’t slow down the topic in my experience. I use mobile devices to read this forum and watch the site almost exclusively. How about just live and let live?

I don’t have a problem if someone posts a lot of photos on the forum I can open them quickly both on pc and mobile of course this is just my thought… :wink:

You probably have a high speed internet connection, it’s not the same for everyone.