Should we have some basic rules for posting pictures on the forum?

I personally don’t agree with all the same pics being loaded it takes up too much space and takes forever to go thru the posts. However I sometimes just close out of topic because it takes to long to read each forum post.

When i enter a topic i like to see pics of sex or whatever otherwise i don’t know if it happened or not. Sometimes i don’t have time to go through the timeline.

I use all the pictures to find out what is going on in all the realms, I use them even more since VHTV lost their twitter account. I do don’t telegram I mean how many social media apps do you need to join? I do believe only two or three pictures need to be posted to show the event that is going on.

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are you saying you wish people had some common sense ? :grin:

Even if i do post(sometimes or when i believe it is hot) quite a lot, whatever is decided i will take it. Not bothered that much about some people that post without any sense or measure of time like @yozgatli66bozok (sorry to mention you, but there is no need to post that many pictures from the past day/days, there are already lots of them).

I would not dare to say such a thing Bluewinner. :joy:

Not having any problems.Catches me up on things that I have missed.Lot easier thang going to the archives.

How does saying go? Wish in one hand. S__t in the other hand. See which one fills up first.

:raised_back_of_hand: :raised_hand: :poop:

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Ok Forum, you are preventing me posting what I’d like to! I might stop posting here anymore!

To be fair if you go into the Flora or Kelys’s topic there are other users doing the exact same thing when posting pictures of Cinderella and/or Queen. So, I could see why he would think posting like this would be ok.

Yes i have seen for example before Krosh and Simon different users keeps posting the same thing it’s been going on for a while but i don’t see anyone complaining about that.

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No it’s not the same. I haven’t seen anyone posting over 80 screenshots in one post there. stop stirring . :wink:

I wasn’t referring to that I was referring to posting large amounts of multiple images that look almost identical.

Well, then that’s totally a different issue.

You are correct it is, one that you have raised yourself, anyway I think we have slid a little of topic now

I can open Mira and Henry’s 25k topic on mobile with no problems at all.

Yes, like I said there are multiple users doing that, I left the users names out on purpose. But if you want to go into names…

Yeah, I’ll move these to its appropriate topic. we can carry on discussing it there if anyone is interested.

Because I have done a photographer & a second different matter a lot… the pose is not the same … ! but I understand that anyone who is not related to photography can not understand it easily… so I will do it 2 seconds Thank You All… !!