
It looks like Henry’s leaving Anny’s…hopefully to go to Shelby’s

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Well seems to be more serious problems with Shelby. now completely off the list.

Henry still being at Anny


Still on the list - marked offline


I think no update will occur tonight because Shelby kicked off Henry last night. So it is Henry’s revange tonight

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when was henry at shelby’s last night?

Sorry, not last night but on the 29. The night when Henry brought roses

the flat has strangely been having problems all day since the early morning. henry seems to have been there before. in any case, he ran away from home with cable, router etc. who knows what the problem is that the flat keeps going offline, because shelby is too hot for it.

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on the other hand, henry doesn’t seem to care at the moment . he’s more interested in the party at anny’s than problems at shelby’s flat


the show with shelby, shana and guest was too hot yesterday. the servers couldn’t take it and burnt out :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:


its the begining of the month and they have all just been paid , guess camera problems are not high on the priorty list in his mind lol especially if shelby isnt at home

you’re just not into the technology, if the worm is in there and you just patch it up, it can happen again and again that something like this happens

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i may be 73 years old and a farmer ,but im not that dopey around technology nearly 10 years on these voyuer forums as taught me a thing or two :thinking: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :crazy_face: :crazy_face: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


shelby was at home when the flat last went offline

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but could of told henry shes going out , lets be honest if you was shelby would you want to be alone with henry with no cameras rolling :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


shelby has a visit from an apparently good mate or acquaintance, so she wouldn’t be alone. and the mate or acquaintance obviously doesn’t belong to henry’s universe. otherwise i would agree with you 100%

well whatever the reason, i,cant see it comming back online today , but hey ive been wrong numerous times :rofl:

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i don’t believe it either, because henry is sitting with anny at the party. ticket to support was created with the message . but apparently only henry can do something about it

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Maybe it’s time for you to accept that Shelby is offline and not keep whining about it, as you can see that it’s not a priority for them to fix tonight.


awhh come m8 . hes infatuated with her , cant blame him if thats his guilty pleasure , have a heart :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: