A post was merged into an existing topic: VHTV and the Chamber of Chatters
And what does that matter and the difference is that he is there and you are home in front of your computer so he must have something going for him.
henry doesn’t seem to care that shelby’s flat has been offline for hours.
ah henry seems to be on his way. let’s hope he’s on his way to shelby. he’s certainly taken a lot of stuff with him, like cables etc.
rien de grave docteur ?
You seem obsessed with this realm given the number of your posts.
Relax a little and I’m sure they’ll sort it out. But it’s better to do it properly than to do it halfway and be offline again a few minutes after it comes online.
It’s the man (Buddy) who had a lot of fun with Shelby & Shana yesterday. After having sex with Shana he seems to have gone back to Shelby.
Please will you explain why you are here?
Going by your ignorance and rudeness that’s probably exactly the reason why he is there and you are at home playing with your geriatric wiener alone in front of your computer.
I love the wonderful Shelby, she is great.
Just tuned in, and it appears to be down again.
Shelby is offline again- Henry what do you do now ?
Realm never offline with Mira. Many times with Shelby
I love Shelby, I missed this girl.