
You’re the only one ! :rofl:

And you are…?

stop playing hard to get , let down that crusty old miserable persona you show :crazy_face: and learn to understand wit and sarcasm , we might even become buddies :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

A massive troll that’s been on this forum for a long time. Periodically shows up to be a pain in the ass. Best ignore him completely.

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he aint been here that long ,hes just out of nappies :rofl: :rofl:

the fucking party crasher henry did us a huge favour with his presence at shelby’s yesterday. they left the flat at 11.39pm mez or 1.39am her time. not a sign of life from shelby since then. I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s why she’s not returning to the flat for the time being, because they can party in peace at libusa’s or lester’s without a cam and especially without party crasher henry.

oh, barely written, shelby appears.

Watching from the sidelines and calling someone a perv? Did you sneak on to earth?

Come close, :speaking_head: The fact you’re here makes you a perv, frustrated and a wanker!


but the little one looks pretty tired

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And she is back…welcome home sheby!!

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Oh look, a personal hater, how quaint and cute, I feel so privileged. :blush:

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i also know the bread that shelby unpacked in the kitchen. you can buy it here in germany in the so-called russian shops. it doesn’t taste too bad at all

Take this one from here, in any apartment, anyone who only sleeps and sits on their phone and laptop is very boring. REPORT


but shelby has also shown the most action of all the realms belonging to henry in the last week. so she deserves a relaxing evening.


Just noticed, for the 1st time I guess, that Mira’s has a ‘Hidden Room’ off cam that I saw Shelby go into. I noticed it is on the floor plan. Any clues?

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She behaves the same as in HENRY’s apartment, she is very boring.


this is the toilet

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ah…separate from the bathroom then?

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and you’re even more boring. if you don’t like it, get lost and don’t bother us with your unspeakably stupid comments