
I think I once saw a picture of him sucking a cock. he also plays in the shower with an anal plug and evelyn fucked him in the arse with a dildo and I think doreen even gave him a fist fuck in the arse.

call to shelby, please come home and let the action continue in front of the cam. your loyal subjects will be eternally grateful to you

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Iā€™ve seen the ladies ass playinā€™ā€¦but now heā€™s brought 2 dudes home.

when and where did you see that. do you mean henry who played with it

i donā€™t know if shelby reads here in the forum, mira and henry certainly do

Nah. With Evelyn and Doreen as you said.

Iā€™ve not seen her appear here.

yes thatā€™s right, with evelyn it was a double dildo, one end in his arse and the other end in evelynā€™s cunt. you can find the video in the archive.

they donā€™t need to show up, they can be silent readers, the only thing I know is that henry replies to the forum from time to time. thatā€™s how we know that shelby isnā€™t called merry, which is what we always thought

it will probably be the case that the four of them have moved into a flat where there are no cams and to get rid of henry. either with lester or with libusa. itā€™s a pity that it turned out like this, but also somehow predictable, where henry turned up, that the prospective party would be crashed by henry

we can only hope that if the four people are really in libusa or in lesterā€™s flat, they donā€™t go there every time to have a little sex orgy. that would be a damn shame and a reason not to renew the subscription

My god, some people are obsessed here and havenā€™t they got any home life. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :mask: :mask:


sure does !!! Watch Hard Sex Bi-sex 3some for mira & henry nov 8 | Naked people with Henry in Living room | The biggest Voyeur Videos gallery

says the geezer ,that comes back more times than Henrys foreskin :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Only been back once me ole pal and these will be most likely be my last couple of days as my wife and daughters come back from Japan on Saturday, so it will be an end to my month of playing on here. :blush:
Although I will pop back from time to time to anoy people here. :joy: :heart:


damm thought i would at least get you to bite , :rofl: :rofl:

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Your lovable sarcasm is one thing I will really miss though you old tart. :blush:


Who can spot the roses brought by Henry last night?

she put them in a vase then put them in the kitchen window that looks out onto the loggia

followed by her telling him to get his grubby mitts of her :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


A strange remarkā€¦ Havenā€™t you noticed in a month that thereā€™s nothing here but a bunch of perv, frustrated persons and wankers ? :rofl: