
now it shows the correct time, so it is working correctly again

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henry gets a call from mira. get out of there from the party, you’re just a nuisance. :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:


@Henry By General consensus we have decided it best all round if you left these young kids to there own devices :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: where they can freely party :partying_face:Not only will make alot of there followers very happy , but would also bring you more :moneybag: :moneybag: :moneybag: :money_mouth_face: thats what you call a
Win Win GIF by Koodo
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


im surprised he is not naked yet!!

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Henry you need to get out of there anyone can see you are not wanted there

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Don’t conjure it up, nobody wants to see it

You know what? I completely forgot that Libusa and Dolph have already partied with Henry before. The only one new to Henry is the other guy. Forgot his name.

OH why should he , i mean hes got the option of one of these young ducklings ,or the super sexy Jutta on tap :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:just waiting for him to call :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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yes that was where there was a tale between libusa and dolph. the other one is called lester

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Lester was a guest at Henry’s last night, just like Libusa and Dolph were.

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yes he was and he runs off at the mouth as bad as Palmer at the old place

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LOL, Henry brought flowers… Does he think he will get in her pants with flowers?

eh no, not the boring card game


you can say what you like. since henry turned up, the mood has sunk to rock bottom. henry is once again living up to his name as a party crasher


ohhhhh lawdy

Oh No GIF by StickerGiant


Spraying Abc Tv GIF by ABC TV + IVIEW


where i would laugh is when they crash the party with the excuse that they are all tired and want to go to sleep. then you just have to hope that henry swallows it and leaves too, and when it is certain that he is really gone, they return and have another wild party.


but they’re not that clever again, i would have done it a long time ago to get rid of him, no, they’d rather play with the cards. i would have tried to get rid of him as soon as possible. nothing can happen to lester, dolph and libusa because they don’t live in any of henry’s flats and mira will keep her hands over shelby so that she won’t suffer any disadvantages either

Shelby will not sleep here. She is packing some items in the black bag


that has nothing to say with selby, where the sex orgy was with shana she also packed things and then slept at home after all

Henry still pushing over shelby??