
just that henry is not cool

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Nowā€¦whereā€™s Shana? That could get interesting!
:+1: :fire: or :-1: :pouting_cat:

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It is very possible that nothing going to happens now.

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Henry hanging out with his employee and future employees itā€™s a staff meeting :joy:

letā€™s see how long it takes for him to grope shelby or libusa like he always does

Damnā€¦I gotta run off for a whileā€¦hope I donā€™t miss the fun.

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Oh absolutely. I think any possibilities of anything like the other night are probably gone now. But I still think itā€™s the funniest thing ever that he just showed up. Or maybe Iā€™m wrong and he was invited.

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what fun is that ?

That mood took a completely 180 now. Wow


Well Henry is not exactly the person these people want to hang with. This is very obvious.


yes, i noticed it too, henry turns up, mood immediately in the cellar . suspiciously quiet all of a sudden.

Absolutely agree. I have a feeling that any expectations of what viewers were hoping to see between the 4 kiddos has drastically decreased. Unless he leaves, but I donā€™t see that happing for a very, very long time! Iā€™m sure heā€™ll try his moves eventually on both girls to see if he can get some end up pissing of Shelby and the mood will be set in stone.


he brings roses as a thank you , this realm almost caused an internet meltdown last night if the comments in this topic was an indicator as to the viewing figures , Henry will soon fuck off after telling them more of the same . think he only came tio fix the cameras and drop of the roses , :crazy_face: :crazy_face: :crazy_face: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


The cams goes off??

I donā€™t think Shelby minds him. He just doesnā€™t fit in with the rest of the group. But Shelby by herself isnā€™t bothered by him I donā€™t think.

Edit: the cam is fixed so thatā€™s something for him.


Henry has remembered that is a glass door. :laughing:

Iā€™m off to watch San, until henry has gone.


He just does not really fit into the dynamic of that group. But we do not know who invited him. Could have been Shelby herselfā€¦

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did anyone realise that shelby refused henryā€™s drink?

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Have you not seen how often sheā€™s stopped him from groping her? You donā€™t think that pisses her off? And that it would be a buzz kill for the others when they see something like that?

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no camera 4 is not repaired, still shows the wrong time and will fail again at any moment