Shana (Archived Topic)

looks like the fat one , is going to live with shana, anouther reaim lost ,wont be watchig 45 anymore

Former subscriber Jimmy /Mitchel, didn’t like the new version of these two. You know he’s right. If Henry says, give me a hand job, or on your knees suck my cock. Indira was like his lapdog, every wish was her command and to be obeyed. When Indira and Kostja were here from February till the end of June, she never let him near her or touch her, and now suddenly she fucks and sucks Henry whenever he wants. Kostja and Indira used to be commended for being their own person, and not doing what Henry wanted. If these two had it, they would have never let Henry near Indira like before. They lost their self respect and dignity by bowing down to Henry’s sexual needs

You’re damn right i’m entitled to my opinion, didn’t need you to tell me that

gotto to love some of these therios regarding tenants etc . surely if there was going to be any changes VHTV would be 1 st to know and as such adjust change names on realms if and when it happens . but no just cos someone packs a bag . there leaving for good . or because a certain tenant doesnt live upto there perverse standard they are useless, dont they realise negativity breeds contempt . which i guess explains certain views on here

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go to fuk you soppy melon . grow a pair and accept constuctive critism you plonka

no my friend
see how people interact in everyday life in front of the cameras
but you can also watch Henry as his wife sodomizes him with her foot
it’s everyone’s choice

whata choice, no thanks

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This is where perversity pays well
 if you’re normal you’re useless




a deliberate desire to behave in an unreasonable or unacceptable way; contrariness. sorry i find that trait an insult to senseible and normal

back to topic now kinda drifted off track

Find ich auch , verstehe nicht warum die Leute so ein Fass wegen dene Machen 

bring back Sidney , to give Mire a good seeing two , se what Henry thinks of that 

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Everybody watches the realms for different reasons so everyone has a view

Some see Henry and. Jirina as a gods and others see them as evil

The only thing I disagree is the way they appear to feel they can treat participants really anyway they want because they are managers and they can f___e people to act in a certain way.

With indira and kostja I don’t believe they are being allowed to be a couple and the jealousy has sadly tore them apart I only hope they can sort it and still visit when they want. Without the pressure to perform

This must be a record, 7days between joining and leaving vhtv

i dont think we can be sure if they are evil or not . alot depends on how the finances are distrubuted ,something we shall never know . as for f_____g participants to perform surely thats what every managers task is to do . to get there workf___e to perform to increase revenue . . lets be honest there not gullible that they dont know what goes on in these realms and the purpose behind them . if they really dont want to be involved in this lifestyle then stay away and if there camera shy . invite thesee people to there own appartment where there are no cameras . which i believe acctuall goes on all the time

BUT !!!have they left???

Wouldn’t be surprised if someone else moved in with Shana shortly

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i actually think this realm will close and shana will leave very soon

I hope she won’t as she’s so good too watch :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

I have no doubt Henry and jirina are working on the replacements as we type

I don’t get how other people who visit the realms don’t have the same pressure put on them as K&I

insecurity and promiscuity can never be on the same plate .

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