Shana (Archived Topic)

I think he chooses Indira and not VHTV

I say they are leaving to continue their relationship off camera which, apparently is happy times compared to whenever they’re on vhtv

Exactly, notice when they were guests, they’re weren’t being pressured even at M&H. Then they rejoin, and then it’s unhappy times

If shana could put grudges aside, I bet Marica and Mikl would re join and live with her again

Look at the stills from Fanrealcams 19mins ago in this thread.

They left in the morning with the luggage…together…Kostja returned with the rest of the luggage

They are happy without the bs, and pressure with being a full timer. They seemed more happy as guests as I said earlier.

I have a few more days and I’m not renewing the subscription… without Indira and Kostja vhtv seems boring to me


there is no absolute proof they have left for good .just loads of conspiracy theories born from idle minds

I really don’t care if I&K left, they were boring as hell

tthats your opinion and your entitled to it , just like those who enjoyed them . but isnt that where diversity is a good thing . otherwise what would be the point in multiple realms and participants … just saying

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For some they were boring…it depends on what you want to see on vhtv…

For people who like drama they are great… :joy:

taxi for henry,jirina ,mira. asap . good by.your timehas come to a end .

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Are You Serious Drama Queen GIF by Adult Swim

To watch paint dry? :art:

kostja to manage all apartments , asap.

Quick question, if kostja and Indira didn’t have Henry as a manager, but someone completely different, not part of his inner circle, would they be happy in vhtv

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I love drama, but this is no longer interesting or tasty for me either.

.diversity my friend…where there is no diversity comes monotony…but some people also like monotony, provided they see porn