Shana (Archived Topic)

Agree 100% neither can jealousy from the other night

for now, all three names are still up.

I don’t think they will come back

Ich wäre dafßr dass diese Wohnung wenn shana geht Carolyn ßbernimmt :smiley:

This is all started with that game on Sunday. If Kostja and Indira don’t get blindfolded, neither one would end up doing something to hurt the other

I really don’t want to pick holes in your conspiracy theories ( especially as it was 100 posts ago) but do you realise that in 3 lines of the post you used ‘’ seemed ‘’ 3 times and ‘‘appears’’ once and ‘‘looked like’’ once. You must recognise that your suggestions are such speculation as to be completely pointless.

Can I ask what your intake of what was discussed as all I can see in your reply is you want to criticise but not put forward your thoughts on the situation

Not many of us speak Russian so we can only look at the body language.

my attitude is that i quite like Indira but don’t see the star in her that many of you do. I think that Kostja is emotionally fragile and should be careful about getting involved . What i really dislike is the hundreds of comments ,mainly critical of Henry and Jirina, who i think do a wonderful job in keeping us entertained. The speculation about what Henry does, thinks, how he threatens, withholds favour and money are just so OTT. I personally was never lucky enough as a young man to go to the sort of parties that Henry, jirina and Shana host. I would love to have gone to them and so now as an older guy i just enjoy othe people doing them Orgies are fine, but the sort of fun they have stripping randomly, the card games, yesterdays ball game, , paper stone rock. Random and fun. Yes not speaking russian we only have their body language to go by but some of the other characters make sure that watching is a real pleasure. Mira for example is a very atractive person and a wonderful flirt and tease. In another life i see a Mata Hari style figure. Look at her yesterday, flirting madly with some young guy who was happy fondling her bottom . They both were. And then when the ball was being thrown around, Mira was desperate to get involved and star losing clothes. So @shadowd42 to sum up, my feelings are do not change anything in the apartments, just please let us see much less speculation about what the participants are doing and even worse feeling !

have to disagree in part here , as speculation is all that we as a collective have , due to lack of proof and if this forum was to survive solely on facts ,then alas there would be very little content if any , although many of the theories here are laughable they do give good fictional reading whilst flicking through the realms during the lean times

You seem to like Henry and jirina so on the point let’s say that’s your interpretation

I would love to know how you know they didn’t get threatened as from the reaction and body language seemed to say opposite

As I said it’s up too each person to interpret what they see unless they actually speak the language

Or someone who does can tell us

All so repetitive now and the saga goes on and on, i don’t know why they both don’t fuck off for good might make them happier then.
Certainly be better than keep reading all the same s__t on here every b___dy week.

I would rather see Kostja take Henry’s place the next time such activities happen.

yes. same s__t every night., why isn’t anyone talking about Chyna? She’s the most gorgeous girl here.

Man people have been SOOOOOOOOOO WRONG determining I&K’s body language countless times before. People reading their body language means next to nothing now. Especially since we know they play things up for the cameras.

rent the musical aww GIF
Money Check GIF by Young Thug

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You honestly think they didn’t have any idea what would happen when they put on a blindfold during a swinger’s party on VHTV!?!?

:see_no_evil: :rofl: :rofl:

No doubt the whole thing is scripted and that they may be doing very well out of it apart from stirring you lot up on here :laughing:

It’s rather mean that they are playing games on the handicapped, isn’t it?

Well if they are they wouldn’t know anyway :rofl:

House Yes GIF