Shana (Archived Topic)

must be Valdinder. :man_shrugging:

It’s all a act. Now they have you watching for the next part.

they say jjealousy hurts but love can heal

The Oscar goes to

whoever can work it out :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:

Artura for the best supporting actress.

All that just so they don’t have to attend Jirinas gathering.

It doesn’t help when a bad translation says she said something she didn’t

shes back

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Would they still go to Jirina? :smiley:

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Who knows, miracles are not out of the world yet, and it is still early before 06:00 :joy:

Maybe not “they”…it’s all girls again , so possibly just Indira…that would account for Kostja sitting on the edge of the bath on his own.

Now Indira can say whatever she wants :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Jirina is a smart girl, always trying something new


who is that

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I don’t think he has a name yet, he was there a few days ago

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So now there is 3 guys there…just enough for Indira to have 1…sorry , wrong realm…I will change over.

5 women 3 men, not quite right or Kostja has to come along. :joy:

Ah, come on, lets put the feathers back on the chook. Get the right comments for the right apartments, makes it hard for us all to follow.

getting ready to go out