Ah…Artura…collecting for Indira no doubt…in which case it would seem to suggest that Indira has no plan to return here…although with Artura collecting clothes etc she may move in with her I suppose.
Don’t you bring something to play, when you visit the kids?
He’s gonna show Stich, and then Artura will jump out of the cake.
…as long as she is naked all is good
I think Kostja called two different girls.
The one in the bathroom I consider was Indira, because he mentioned her original name several times
when adressing her.
and for Mr proof, I can tell you the times.
The latter call on the kitchen-counter sounded like Artura to me,
which would make sense to me, seeing her pick him up.
so she is to jump out of her clothes rather than the cake.
And Kostja can play with Stich.
very good deduction Sherlock …so Kostja sits by the door like a little dog waiting for his master to call!!
he serves the _____s with just a bow tie and shirt cuffs on.
Mira just setting out for her next port of call.
Quelle imagination !
He is checking out the tree
Stich n’est pas chez Shana, I&K d’habitude
No it’s Indira, she is jealous of her.
No, he is on Tinder for Russians.
Putinder or Valdinder??
It’s all gone v quiet on the I&K situation. Anything seen of either / or Mira??..as if by magic they appear!!..good grief now it’s all smiles and kisses…I give up!!
The tree balls are dead…
Oh wow Indira got back, and it is like nothing happened. The forum couldn’t possibly have been over reacting?