I thought that a couple of times he was wiping tears away but trying to keep a lid on it.
shana maybe dosnt want to get involved but whatever it is i dont think they have sorted it this time
I still believe Indira is a very smart young lady, she knows we are watching, and will sometimes do something to build our interest, like when she would snuggle up to one of Jirinas stranger guys, all for the purpose of holding our attention!
how many times have they said that they put on a play to keep the viewers
they don’t go on until 7am for a reason
also Mira and Henry /Jirina and Artura
Obviously Indira just called, and Kostja got mad again.
Réunion au sommet entre Mira et Jirina chez Jirina !
Désolé j’aurais dû le mettre dans le sujet Jirina ?
Considering she didn’t bring any clothes, she has to be at her place
If he went to Jirina’s it was a flying visit!!
he probably got to the door of jiranas appartment and overheard mira and jirina slagging him off and we all know hes got no bollox probably run like a wounded cat
I see Mira and someone elses fingers…could be Indira at Jirinas…nope…it was Jirinas fingers…of all the people to go to for advice.
It’s a no-brainer business wise…Indira will bring 10+ times the income that Kostja would.
as you also read, Mira and Jirina did not want them to have their own apartment
Kostja behaves like a pimp
If shana was a Canadian, she’d be asking, how did it go from having two friends as roommates to an episode of Degrassi
Ich bleib dabei die Zwei sind nicht für sowas geschaffen …
Was that Indiras voice we heard??