Shana (Archived Topic)

Kostja had sex with Shana before…


strange night can anyone translate the conversations that might spread some light on what is happening

I guess just the usual drama between them. No reason to worry or translate at least for me.

if it is and they really break up i hope she finds a nice girlfriend just like Zoya and that they come over every now and then

Hmm I think she might be mainly interested in guys… She has fun with girls too but I do not think she will have a relationship with one…

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The weird thing is they were fine until bedtime, and they never fought at Jirina’s last night at all

I am sure it was just nothing and soon all will be like before again…

I doubt they would have rejoined vhtv if they were having relationship problems, since this program gives couples problems

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But Indira leaving could be significant…to my memory she has cried and shouted before but never walked away.

No it just shows problems faster and makes them more evident. :wink:

Maybe indira dosnt like the fact that kosta is starting to become more into the swinging scene and what she saw the other night hurt her

I hope they dont split as i think it will hurt them hard

Only time will tell

I can’t believe that , for this reason…of the two Indira has always been the one to show passion in her work , first with Troy , then Mikl , Kostja and latterly Henry. Whereas Kostja has never committed to the “scene”…which is why he appeared to be on the right side of their disagreements…but , as you say , he has recently started to “play” a little , but he still wants to control Indira and tell her what she can and cannot do , which upsets her when she looks back and sees how many opportunities she has passed up on , just to please Kostja. There cannot be double standards if they want to continue as a couple in this environment , There must have been advice from some other participants (as well as commentators) that explains that at the gatherings sex is sex for reward , but when alone sex is love-making.


something of subject ,is that Ken at the back looking at Shana

I think he wanted her to fuck Russell on Sunday to please the bosses, and she didn’t, that might have caused a huge issue

It’s a pity he forgot to tell her what he wanted…but , of course , it is not for him to decide what she wants…if she wanted him she would have made a move on him much earlier.

another night for kostja on his own

The interesting thing is Indira isn’t visiting Jirina, so maybe there’s something we don’t know about

probibly dont understand what was said last (thats why i asked for help translating the argument) night but obvisly much more to it. hope they sort it out though.

They were fine all night untill bedtime, that’s the conversation that if translated we’d understand everything , but Kostja got mad for something

As far as i can tell Shana hasn’t had to comfort him, as if he was upset, so i have no idea what’s happening, maybe indira and him have been in contact via text